metabolism boosting tips

Searching for the best metabolism-boosting tips for effective weight loss?

Well, you’re not alone!

Metabolism is what keeps every living being alive and functioning. Thus, having a high metabolism can really be all the difference you need for a healthy body.

Moreover, its intrinsic association with weight loss has been discussed long enough to take it seriously. If you’ve been struggling to lose weight, chances are you’ve got a slow metabolism.

So, anyone wanting to see the numbers drop down on the scale has to account for metabolism-boosting.

We tell you it’s a delicate balance to manage the equation of calorie in vs calorie out. Sometimes, it’s not even under your control to optimize your metabolism.

However, there still are some ways you can use to manage metabolic health and harness the weight loss results you want.

It’s not instant, but it’s possible. Follow along with this blog and you’ll see how you can go about tipping the scales in your favor.


What Is Metabolism?

what is metabolism

Before we begin to list out metabolism-boosting tips, it’s important for you to understand what it actually is.

In simple words, metabolism is a combination of everything that fuels your body. In summation, it’s all the chemical processes that go inside the body to enable its survival.

Hence, anything from breathing, repairing cells to circulating blood around the body has to do with metabolism.

A sluggish metabolic rate, thus, is not only going to show around your belly, but it’s also likely to affect many other things.

Further, as metabolism is essentially responsible for building and repairing the body, it naturally interferes with the breakdown of the food you eat.

Anything you consume during the course of the day gets used up as energy. This gets triggered as soon as you eat and the body starts releasing insulin.

All the calories in your food are combined with oxygen, which your body uses as energy for functioning.

The entire process goes round and round all day. Henceforth, any calories your body burns at a given time is affected by the metabolic rate.

When you consume more calories than your body can burn off, the extra gets stored up as fat. And if you’ve got a slow metabolism, it’ll take longer for you to achieve an energy deficit.

Now, if you were to Increase Metabolism, things can take a turn for good. Here’s how metabolism factors in your inability to lose weight.


The Interplay between Metabolism and Weight Loss

metabolism and weight loss

Do you eat very little yet are not able to lose weight?

At this point, you’re more than likely to put the blame on your body’s natural metabolic rate, which you think you can do nothing about!

However, weight gain is not as simple as that, nor is metabolism.

Metabolism is governed by many different factors. Some are not under your control while some are very much fixable.

So, even if your slow metabolism seems genetic, you can do something to speed it up.

The body’s metabolic rate constitutes different components. Each of them plays a part in the final energy expenditure.

Here’s an explanation of the three main factors that rule your metabolic rate:

#1. BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate)

This is the number of calories your body burns off to keep you functioning. So, even if you’re at rest, this many calories will still be used up.

Interestingly, BMR makes up for about 50-80% of daily calorie burn. Good news there!

However, most people with genetically motivated slow metabolism will have lower BMR, which could be the cause of weight gain.

But there’s still hope with the next two determinants of metabolic rate.

#2. Thermic Effect of Food Intake

Your body also needs the energy to digest, absorb, and store nutrients out of the foods you eat.

This is why the BMR rises right after you eat. Now, all foods don’t have the same thermic effect.

Fats are worse and will only raise the BMR by 0–5 percent. On the other hand, feast on healthy proteins and spicy foods and you can raise it by as much as 30 percent.

So, this is where Foods That Increase Metabolism factor in.

#3. Physical Activity

This is the biggest Metabolism Booster. It involves any and all physical activity you undertake within a day.

Whether you take your dog out for a walk or choose to spend some time on the treadmill, everything counts. Even fidgeting will come under this as your body uses up calories.

Thus, if you were to pursue intense and vigorous physical activities, you can account for as much as 20 percent of energy expenditure.

Moreover, most of the people troubled with a slower metabolism due to genes will find their solution in exercising.

Plus, this is one of those metabolism-boosting tips that’s totally up to you.

Along those lines, some poor lifestyle habits may also be causing your metabolism to not function at its best.

Some people are notoriously habituated to eat more than they need to function. This is especially an issue when you eat a diet high in calories and unhealthy fat.

Over time, enough toxins and gunk build up in the system to make it problematic for the body to handle. This is when you need a complete reset for your metabolism.

Needless to say, a lot of metabolism-boosting tips have to do with optimizing your lifestyle.

Here are some of the most practical Tips for Boosting Metabolism.


Metabolism Boosting Tips That Are Totally Doable

Remedying a sluggish metabolic rate is simpler than you might be thinking. It doesn’t have to be time-taking as well.

Some of the Best Metabolism Boosters are often the most simple lifestyle modifications.

Many times, we’re unknowingly making undesirable changes to our diet and eating habits.

Moreover, there are times when everyday stress gets the better of us. If you think this might not be taking a toll on your metabolic health, think again!

In fact, following strict diets and disturbing the body’s circadian rhythm by sleeping late can also lead to a slow metabolism.

Unfortunately, today’s fast-paced lifestyle ticks most of these boxes. And that’s the reason behind shocking obesity stats!

So, here are some of the easiest metabolism-boosting tips you can follow in spite of a busy life:

#1. Drink More Water

metabolism boosting tips

It cannot get simpler than carrying a bottle with you to get in more water each day.

Water is one of the most preferred zero-calorie drinks when it comes to losing weight. The reasons why it supports better metabolism has already been proven by many studies.

Drinking enough water can dramatically increase your resting metabolic rate. This effect is even more noticeable when you drink cold water as your body uses energy to heat it up.

Moreover, water keeps you full. Thus, making it easier to ward off constant snacking.

Drinking a glass of water ten minutes before your meals can help you control excess calorie intake.


#2. Go for a High-Intensity Workout

 Exercises That Boost Metabolism

Wondering How to Increase Metabolism After 40?

Exercising is your absolute best solution. Aging brings in all kinds of troubles along with a slower metabolism.

This is why it’s often harder to lose weight as we grow older. However, some sort of intense physical activity each day can help you.

In fact, it can speed up metabolism irrespective of your age. Whether you go for a run or choose to lift weights, your metabolism will benefit from it.

However, some of the best Exercises That Boost Metabolism involve intense bursts of movements. HIIT is an ideal workout to offer that.

The moves involved in HIIT accelerate metabolism and reduce belly fat.


#3. Include Protein in Each Meal

boost your slow metabolism

Making minor changes in your eating habits can go a long way. Instead of a high fat or carb diet, go for proteins.

That’s not to say, though, that you should eliminate other nutrients.

Still, good protein sources should be a part of each meal. As previously mentioned, proteins cause the most thermic effect.

As a result, your body uses more energy to process and digest it. This naturally leads to more calorie expenditure without any special effort on your part.

Protein-rich items are some of the best Foods That Boost Metabolism for Flat Stomach.

Moreover, it’ll also keep you fuller for longer, preventing overeating. Not to mention, proteins also help lean muscle growth while cutting off the fat.


#4. Eat More Spicy Foods

metabolism boosting tips

Spicy foods, such as peppers contain capsaicin. This is a compound effective for weight loss due to its thermogenic properties.

Thus, eating more spicy foods can help you lose weight over time. However, the effects are not as significant as other Metabolism Boosting Foods.

Plus, many people do not really like eating too spicy.

Though, that doesn’t discard other benefits of spices. One useful way to add them to your food is by using turmeric.

As an Indian Spice, turmeric is laden with beneficial properties along with thermogenic effects.

Eating these spices will likely have benefits when followed along with other metabolism-boosting tips.


#5. Do Not Cut Carbs Out of Your Diet

metabolism boosting tips

One of the reasons behind a slow metabolism can be the absence of carbs in your diet. We know all the craze behind going carb-free, though give it another thought.

Your body needs carbs to make insulin. The absence of it can cause your metabolism to get sidetracked and you end up burning fewer calories over time.

Take a healthier approach and choose to take your carbs from good sources, such as fruits and grains.

Your body needs a balanced diet to function and every nutrient has its role to play in it.

In fact, going carb-free may not work for everyone. Eliminating each and every source of carb can, after all, be a bad move for your metabolism.


#6. Get Out of Your Stressed-Out Zone

Get Out of Your Stressed-Out Zone

There are very few things that can damage your health like chronic stress. While we all get stressed from time to time, constant stress is not a good thing.

Long periods of stress causes more cortisol release, making it harder for the body to use insulin.

These hormonal fluctuations can wreak havoc on your normal metabolic rate. Plus, binge eating is a common phenomenon while you’re under heavy stress.

So, do yourself a favor and try to de-stress on a daily basis.

There are many effective methods to do so. Breathing, meditations, short walks, try everything that may help you get out of the rut.

Plus, avoiding stressful situations can be one of the most effective metabolism-boosting tips.


#7. Avoid a High-Fat Diet and Processed Foods

avoid greasy and fried foods

Figuring out the effects of eating unhealthy junk on your body is not rocket science.

It’s never a good idea, especially if done for long periods of time.

While healthy fats are a good choice, avoid greasy and fried foods. Eating too much of these will affect how your body breaks down and processes foods.

Thus, affecting your metabolism. It can also damage the body’s ability to use insulin. So, eating a healthy diet is non-negotiable for obese and diabetic people.

An unhealthy diet can easily trigger Slow Metabolism Symptoms. Thus, it’s better to keep your diet clean at all times.


#8. Get Enough Sleep

boost your metabolism

Not getting enough sleep is one of the major causes of slow metabolism. A sleep-deprived person misses out on the time it takes the body to replenish and repair cells.

Moreover, it affects blood sugar levels and insulin regulation.

Consequently, it changes the way your body processes sugar and burns calories. Henceforth, you may notice a cycle of unhealthy changes, making it harder to lose weight.

The only way to get back on track is to follow a regular sleeping schedule. Going to sleep at the same time each day also facilitates adherence to the sleep-wake cycle.

So, have you been following these metabolism-boosting tips lately?

If you’ve got a slow metabolism, chances are you need to tick all these points to really see improvements.

However, you may not be very keen on building up a better metabolism with time. Rather, you would look for a Metabolism Booster to get rapid results.

But can supplements really work to repair a slow metabolism?


Can You Use Metabolism Boosting Supplements?

metabolism boosting pills

Yes, you can use them.

In fact, there’s a large variety of metabolism boosters currently available in the market.

Some guarantee substantial weight loss results as well. So, it might be tempting for you to go and buy one right away.

However, before buying Metabolism Boosting Supplements, pay attention to the back of the bottle. This is the only way to judge the credibility of a metabolism-boosting product.

Not every product will show results, some are downright cheap in their formulation.

As a matter of fact, you’re better off opting for a natural solution that contains herbs, minerals, and vitamins.

Stay away from the supplements with harmful artificial stimulants in them. While these will get results in a short time, there can be side effects.

Moreover, there’s no one-size-fits-all approach here.

Don’t just blindly invest in a supplement. First, check with your doctor if you should actually be taking them.

There can be a number of reasons behind slow metabolism. A healthcare professional will be able to properly diagnose the issue and suggest the best solution.

In most cases, though, making the suggested dietary and physiological changes will suffice.

So, what’s the takeaway here?


Wrapping Up

Your metabolism is truly the reflection of the kind of lifestyle you lead and have been leading.

If you’ve been into the habit of crash dieting all your teenage years, the effects can now be surfacing. Hence, repairing a slower metabolism can be as easy as making some necessary fixes.

The aforementioned metabolism-boosting tips should be enough to make real changes each day.

Incorporate the necessary Metabolism Boosting Exercise Tips along with healthy dietary modifications. This is the least you can do on your own to lose weight and there’s nothing you risk here.

Though this process cannot be rushed and there aren’t shortcuts. All you can do is be patient with your body and let your metabolic cycles run their course.

Remember small changes with big effects are the rule that applies here.

Begin to make constructive changes from today and expect its benefits in the later years of your life.

With that, we close this blog in the hopes that it has given you some insight for improving metabolism.

Did you find the above information useful?

Are there any other metabolism-boosting tips you would like to share with us? Add to the discussion by leaving your comments right below.

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By Allen Hicks

I believe that the integration of our biological body & natural supplements represents the next level of thinking for fitness and good health. I write about fitness hacks, nutrients balance & supplements alternatives.

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