Nootropics side effects

Nootropics have really made it to the race when it comes to boosting brain powers.

People have started using nootropics for memory and cognitive enhancement.

Nootropics claim to better brain function and mental performance and that really matters in the competitive world we’re living in.

So, these “smart drugs” with the ability to enhance the brain’s ability took over households quickly.

But is there a price you need to pay other than those hard-earned dollars?

While some nootropics are regarded as safe; undoubtedly there are some hidden dangers of nootropics that need to be addressed.

Nootropic side effects depend on a variety of factors including a person’s physical and mental health.

Although most of the nootropics are considered safe, there are certain case reports of panic attacks, restlessness, and similar bad experiences after taking nootropics.

Therefore, before adding one smart drug to your cart, you get to know the possible nootropics side effects and how to prevent them.


Are Nootropics Side Effects Real?

Do nootropics have real side effects for affect your overall health?

Well, they do!

Talking about natural nootropics like caffeine, Lion’s Mane, Rhodiola Rosea, and Choline, all of them have proven side effects.

Even though the dangers of natural nootropics are very rare and often occur due to higher dosages, it’s still something you must be aware of.

Further, some of the claimed best nootropic supplements are stimulant medications that enhance mental performance ability.

What you need to know here is, that these nootropics often contain natural brain-boosting ingredients like caffeine.

As a result, there are chances that even some of the top nootropic supplements may end up showing side effects.

To have a better understanding, let’s have a look at the short-term and long-term side effects of nootropics backed with research.


#1. Insomnia

Sleepless nights are among the most common side effects of nootropics.

It is hard to believe that something with the ability to calm your mind can be the cause of your lack of sleep.

Nonetheless, this side effect of nootropics is often experienced during the starting phase and has some variations.

Insomnia as a short-term side effect of nootropics also includes:

  • Difficulty in falling asleep
  • Waking up in the middle of the night
  • Not being able to sleep

This side effect can be seen in both natural as well as synthetic nootropics. A research published provides a brief description of nootropics which includes their side effects.

The results of the research conclude that nootropics are well tolerated with some mild side effects which include insomnia.

Some of the natural nootropic ingredients such as Guarana extract, Ginseng, and Schisandra fruit showed the symptoms of insomnia.


#2. Headache, Anxiety and Mood Changes

The very fact that nootropics affect your brain and neurotransmitters, anxiety, and mood changes after using them is not much of a surprise.

These nootropic side effects are commonly seen among the stimulant smart drugs namely Adderall and Modafinil.

Adding to it, as stated above and proven in scientific research some nootropics may also cause a lack of sleep, anxiety, and irritability come in handy.

Not to mention headache is also one of the commonly reported short-term side effects of nootropics.

Supplements like citicoline may cause headaches due to their adverse effects like gastrointestinal issues.

Also, nicergoline which has been clinically used since 1970, may cause dizziness followed by fainting and headache.


#3. Digestive Issues

Too much of nootropics May or May not boost your brain performance but it can surely derail your stomach’s ability to perform well.

Gastrointestinal discomfort like stomach pain, nausea, and digestive issues are commonly experienced by nootropics users.

Natural nootropics like Guarana extract are not recommended to the person dealing with stomach ulcers. Whereas, Ginko Biloba extract caused mild stomach irritation and headache often when excessively consumed.


#4. Brain Fog

Let me tell you, brain fog is not a medical condition. This sluggish, fuzzy feeling is something we all feel after a rough day.

So, why are we throwing it under the bus then?

Well, feeling not sharp occasionally is something we all resonate with. Nonetheless, if it’s happening often, without any reason, that’s something you need to be worried about.

Brain fog occurs alongside anxiety impacts your memory and adds to depression.

Sadly, some of the nootropics fuel this side effect and rather than boosting your cognitive ability, end up taking your mental resources.

While smart drugs like nootropics are taken for brain fog, some of them have reportedly led to spacy, confused feelings.


#5. Addiction

The above-mentioned nootropics’ side effects were all mild. But addiction to smart drugs is something you need to be worried about.

This is among the long-term side effects of nootropics or smart drugs.

As reported by the users, long-term usage of nootropics for cognitive boosts may lead to dependency.

This is mainly seen in the low-quality unproven synthetic nootropic supplements. After stopping its usage, users felt a decline in their memory power and attentiveness.

Some of the Psychostimulants often prescribed to improve focus and attention led to feelings of euphoria and power as well as addiction and cognitive impairment.

Nootropics are a great way to enhance the functioning of your neurotransmitters. Nonetheless, you need to be really careful about its usage.

These hidden dangers of Nootropics are not severe and can be easily taken under control.


How Can You Avoid the Side Effects of Nootropics?

Nootropics whether herbs or supplements can be a game changer for your motivation, productivity, and other mental health benefits.

It’s true that some of the natural nootropics had been used for centuries. However, side effects of nootropics are common and must be taken care of.

Here’s how to avoid the dangers of taking smart pills.


#1. Take Nootropics as Recommended

Most of the nootropic’s side effects are the result of “overdosing”.

Users, often in the urge to increase the effectiveness, carelessly overdose the supplement resulting in side effects like digestive issues and nausea.

The thumb rule of avoiding any side effect be it from nootropics or any other supplement is to stick to the dosage only.


#2. Avoid Mixing / Stacking Nootropics

It’s important to not stack the nootropics supplements that share the common ingredients to avoid mild overdosing. There are chances that two smart drugs use the same ingredients leading to an overdose.

Further, if you’re using a nootropics with caffeine in it, consider cutting down. Your daily consumption of caffeine to prevent some of the common side effects of nootropics like insomnia and anxiety.


#3. Avoid Mixing Nootropics with Psychedelics and Alcoholic Beverages

Based on the reported side effects of nootropics, it’s advisable to avoid mixing your smart pills with drugs and alcoholic beverages.

For instance one of the most popular nootropics Modafinil when combined with alcohol can cause harmful dehydration.

This can lead to severe thirst accompanied by migraine issues.


#4. Always Pick High-Quality Supplements

If you’re buying nootropics, pay attention to the quality of the product rather than its popularity. There are a lot of nootropics available in the market already.

Boosting the brain’s ability is no longer an alien concept. So, you better research the product before picking one for yourself.

So, how to get your hands on high-quality Nootropic Supplements?


Steps to Choose Safe and Effective Nootropic Supplement

Picking the right supplement is no rocket science if you just be attentive, honest, and sincere about your choices.

By keeping just a few things in mind, you can buy an effective smart drug and avoid some common side effects.


#1. Don’t Miss the Ingredients List

This is one of the basics of buying any supplement. Go through the ingredients or the blend of the supplement to know what is it made of.

A quick look at the ingredients list can save you from severe side effects of nootropics especially when you have food allergies. It’ll help recognize if you’re allergic to any of the ingredients in the list before even trying it.

Go for a soy-free, gluten-free supplement that doesn’t contain any preservatives or artificial colors.


#2. Recommend your Physician

If you’ve underlying health issues, make sure you consult your physician and choose according to the recommendations.

Especially, if you have mental health issues, always make sure you have a brief talk with your doctor to avoid drug interactions.


#3. Buy From the Authorized Manufacturers Only

If you happen to zero in on a smart drug, the next step would be to consider only authorized dealers to buy the supplement.

Buying directly from the sellers can help you get the right supplement and help you avoid some of the major side effects as well.


#4. GMP Certified Supplement Is a Must

It’s highly recommended to look for GMP-certified supplements. Promulgated by the US Food and Drug Administration GMP certification ensures you have a safe supplement in use.

Following these recommendations reduces the chances of side effects of nootropics.

If you are looking to shop the quality nootropics supplements, try Noocube.

Its daily nootropic formula improves problem-solving skill, reduce brain fatigue, enhances alertness, and also works on minimizing scree-fatigue.

This brain booster is caffeine-free and includes an award-winning functional ingredient called Lutemax. Crafted for people of all ages, Noocube has successfully improved the cognition of young students as well as adults above 55 years.

Also, Noocube results are impressive and users have experienced significant benefits. Nootropics aren’t after all a bad idea if you consider the dosage and high-quality products.


Last Thoughts

If you don’t have a history of mental illness and drugs or addiction, you can use nootropics in limited dosage.

However, there are still chances one might witness some mild side effects of nootropics. Well, something even as simple as vitamin D supplementation can cause adverse effects when overdosed.

Adding to it, don’t forget to add nootropics foods and do some brain exercise as well. For instance, add nuts and green veggies to your diet and also play puzzles in your free time.

To avoid the dangers of nootropics go for good quality products with scientifically backed ingredients. Also, following some preventive measures can be of a lot of help.

Brain Never Sleeps; So you, better take good care of it before it goes insane!

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By Allen Hicks

I believe that the integration of our biological body & natural supplements represents the next level of thinking for fitness and good health. I write about fitness hacks, nutrients balance & supplements alternatives.

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