Can Veganuary help with weight loss

New year resolutions tend to fail. Still, we can’t deny the fact that it creates a sense of inspiration.

If you are planning to go vegan this January, there is no better thing than Veganuary.

The new trend involves going vegan for the first month of the year. Surprisingly, kicking off the new trend can help you lose weight while making you healthier.

Going Veganuary is simple!

  • Have plant-based foods
  • Cut down animal-based meals from your diet
  • Be consistent with your calories

The diet plan seems fascinating and unique. Besides making you cleaner, it has numerous health benefits. Among them, vegan diet weight loss results are the most popular.

Can Veganuary help with weight loss? The doubts are obvious. Here, we’ve dug into the diet plan to know the real benefits of going vegan for a month.


Veganuary— How and Where Did It Begin?

vegan diet for weight loss

The Veganuary challenge begins back in 2014 in the UK. A non-profit organization of the same name initiated the event. They prompted folks to go vegan for the month of January as their new year resolution.

According to their website, almost a quarter-million folks have pledged to go vegan until 2019. Indeed, they have even expanded their campaign. In fact, their Dry January challenge has gathered huge attention.

An animal-free diet isn’t a new thing completely. World Vegan Day was initiated in 1994. Obviously, it has gained a huge following since.

In 2014, just 1 % of the US population claimed to be vegan. In 2017, the number jumped to 6% as per a report by Global Data.

Undoubtedly, huge credit goes to celebs for popularising veganism. Even Beyoncé endorsed a 22-day vegan diet in 2015.

So far, Veganuary has emerged as a top-of-the-league challenge.

Undoubtedly, going vegan has many unprecedented perks. However, we can really say if 30-day vegan diet weight loss works or not.

Before we understand how do vegans lose weight fast, we understand the basics of a vegan diet plan.


Is Vegan Diet Worth It?

A vegan diet involves a plant-based diet involving a wide variety of fruits and veggies excluding animal foods.

Studies have found the diet capable of reducing the risk of cardiac ailment, type 2 diabetes, and cancer.

However, the plant-based diet should supply fiber, vitamins, minerals, phytonutrients, and hydration. The nutritional factor can’t be ignored.

In fact, adding more plants to your diet prompts a good gut microbiome. On top of that, a vegan diet has various short-term benefits.

In a review, the researchers observed impressive improvement in glucose, insulin, and cholesterol levels.

Besides, the participants encountered weight loss and lesser inflammation on following a plant-based diet for 2 years.

Another research from 2018 found a reduction in cholesterol level on following a vegan diet just for 4 weeks.

In short, we can deny the possibility of numerous benefits of the diet plan. Does Veganuary help lose weight? That’s a bit doubtful.


Can Veganuary Help with Weight Loss?

The goal of Veganuary was never weight loss.

The movement was rolled out as a way to protect the world, the environment, safeguard animals, and create health awareness.

However, the diet does help lose weight. Whether you want to get slimmer or not, if you can get slimmer with the plant-based diet.

To receive the weight loss effects, you need full planning.

Rather than concentrating on what animal foods to cut from your diet, you need to shift your focus to what to switch it with.

Keep the nutritional value at the forefront. Rather than eliminating the animal food from your diet, consider swapping them with the right plant-based meal. This ensures you meet your daily calorie requirement for weight loss.

A vegan diet is a bit challenging for carnivores. However, with a little training and patience, you will rock.

Try learning new recipes, add new flavors, and buy different new veggies to give a new look to your plate.

So, do vegans lose weight faster? The answer is affirmative if you keep a few tips in your mind.

Losing Weight with Veganuary

The plant-based diet does favor weight loss. Considering a few things can help you achieve your goals.

Here are a few tips to lose weight with Veganuary.

  • Swap your animal-based meal with low-calories alternatives like lentils and chickpeas. Not only do they have impressive fiber content but keep you full for a longer interval. Also, you can try similar plant-based meals.


  • For snacking, try low calories fruits like citrus fruits. Not only do they have low calories but have impressive nutritional value. Instead, you can give a shot at berries, nuts, or avocados.


  • Missing cheese? Try nutritional yeast to your meals. This provides the tanginess of cheeses with zero calories.

These tips contribute to greater weight loss. Meanwhile, they ensure overall good health.


Improving Diet & Health with Veganuary

Unlike other diets which suffer from fiber intake, the diet plan supplies fibers in abundance.

On top of that, eliminating meat from your plates lowers your cholesterol level to a great extent.

Henceforth, not only your eating pattern improves but your health also becomes better.

#1: Try nuts, seeds & peanut butter for snack time.

They have impressive nutritional value having lots of protein, healthy fats & fiber.

Involve more veggies and fruits into your diet.

#2: Working out is important.

Perform even physical activity to ensure good health. Obviously, this helps grasp the maximum advantages of the vegan diet.

#3: Pre-plan your diet.

This ensures the supply of sufficient nutrients. For instance, Vitamin B12 is present in abundance in nutritional yeast.

Besides the general benefits of the plant-based diet, the prime reason for going vegan is the environmental factors.


Going Vegan for Environmental Factors

According to a study by the University of Oxford, eliminating plant-based food from your diet can cut down your carbon footprint by up to 73%.

Indeed, there are other interesting factors to consider.

Swapping meat and dairy food from your diet have various environmental factors.

Here, we’ve mentioned them.

#1: Out of season veggies and fruits are often imported by air elevating their carbon footprint.

Thus, it’s better to have locally sourced foods. Indeed, preferring in-season fruit & vegetables is recommendable.


#2: Some fruits and veggies require greater resources to farm. For instance, avocados require 209 liters of water daily.

This is almost a large bathtub. Besides, Almonds, Cashew nuts & walnuts have somewhat greater water requirements.


#3: Almond and soy milk have comparatively low carbon footprints than regular cow’s milk.

However, they have greater environmental impacts related to their production. Instead, try oat-based milk.

A vegan diet does have various environmental benefits. Still, certain aspects can increase your carbon footprint.

Keep these things in mind when going vegan for 2 weeks weight loss.

A vegan diet involves a whole list of plant-based food. This can put huge pressure on your grocery budget.

Considering a few factors can help save when beginning your Veganuary Challenge.

Tips to Save Money for Veganuary   

Oftentimes vegan foods have a premium price tag. Still, a lot of options are available at reasonable pricing.

All you need to be a little recognized.

  • Expenses on pulses and beans per serving are lower compared to meat. The best things are you can prepare a greater number of meals using them.
  • You can buy frozen or canned veggies for meals. They are available for inexpensive pricing. Most importantly, you can buy them at the least price in bulk and freeze them for usages.
  • Couscous, rice, and potatoes are available at reasonable prices in bulk. You can add some spices to prepare innovative tasty meals with the ingredients.
  • Go for the value range in the supermarkets. They can be vegan because of the use of vegetable oil rather than the expensive butter.
  • Skip alternative vegan foods e.g., dairy-free cheese. Such foods can have an expensive cost.
  • Planning your diet is vital. It ensures you receive a sufficient about of nutrients. Also, it can cut down the expenses as a result of panic shopping. Also, cooking in bulk is a good initiative.

These were a few tips that can help you save a couple of bucks for fast vegan weight loss.

Let’s return back to the question can Veganuary help with weight loss.

Losing weight by going vegan for just a month sounds skeptical. Let’s dig out the truth.


Does a Month of Vegan Make any Difference?

It depends on how you approach the diet plan.

Lessening your saturated fat consumption lessens blood pressure by 45%. In fact, this helps reduce the risk of cardiac disease to a great extent.

Various research papers have found a vegan diet high in fiber and low in cholesterol than a normal animal-based diet.

A high fiber diet can lower the risk of different ailments. This includes cardiac disease, type 2 disease, stroke, and even bowel cancer.

The university of oxford shared an interesting fact on 350,000 people who followed Veganuary this year.

Surprisingly, their figure shows a reduction of 160,000 cars worth of greenhouse emissions.

Indeed, by participating in Veganuary cut down 929 grams of meat from your diet just in a week.

Undoubtedly, the biggest benefit of taking the Veganuary challenge is to influence culture and society. It transmits the message of animal welfare and environmental concern.

Besides, there are various reasons supporting the diet plan as the best thing ever.


10 Reasons – Why Vegan Diet Is Worth It?

Veganuary is getting popular.

Particularly, in the world of social media and increasing environmental concerns, youth are switching to a sustainable way of living.

A vegan diet is the best way to ensure one’s health as well as the environment.

Here we’ve listed 10 go-to reasons to switch to Vegan.

1. Less risk of cardiac disease

Vegetarian diets are lower in saturated fats than meat-based diets.

Vegetarians have been shown to have a lower risk of dying of heart disease than meat-eaters.


2. More energy

The diet plan reduces fat in your bloodstream. Too much fat can make your arteries thick slowing down the flow of blood.

Hence, the muscle of oxygen slows down as well. However, with a vegan diet, nothing of this sort happens, you are always loaded with energy.


3. Environment friendly

The vegan diet doesn’t just benefit you.

In fact, a United Nations report titled Livestock’s Long Shadow disclosed that meat consumption is one of the major contributors to serious environmental problems at every scale.

In other words, plant-based diets are naturally environmentally friendly.


4. Vegetables can lower your blood pressure

Studies have shown that vegan and vegetarians have less hypertension compared to meat consumers.

High blood pressure is the major risk factor for death across the globe. It isn’t a worrying factor only for the older population.

In fact, one-fifth of 24-32 years-old in the UK have high blood pressure.

Instead, a vegan diet remarkably eliminates the risk of high blood pressure by between 33 to 75% compared to dairy and animal eaters.


5. Benefits your skin

Vegetarianism and veganism are beneficial for the skin. Obviously, the diet involves lots of fresh fruits, vegetables, and whole grains.

This supplies your body with antioxidants in abundance, which neutralize the free radicals.

Hence, the signs of aging i.e., wrinkles, brown spots, etc., remain no more issue . Instead, you rejoice a glowing even-toned skin.


6. Fast weight loss

Does going vegetarian help you lose weight?

This is one of the top questions regarding vegetarian and vegan diets. In fact, the answer is YES!

Latest studies have shown how a vegetarian diet is twice more beneficial in weight loss compared to any other diet plan with meat.


7. Rocks your digestive system

A nutritious vegan diet benefits your gut while benefiting your overall health. However, such benefits require preplanning.

Because you are avoiding meat, you need to switch it to some nutrition-filled food.

Generally, a vegan diet involves various fiber-rich foods like beans, fruits, veggies. Thus, you are receiving a whole lot of nutrients in the best natural form.

Ultimately, this benefits your bowel movements.


8. Lessens body’s inflammation

Munching over cheese, meat, and highly processed food increase chances of inflammation level in your body. Meanwhile, short-term inflammation is normal and necessary.

Inflammation lasting for months and years isn’t good. It becomes important to eliminate such meals from your diet.

This can help reduce the possible risk of cardiac disease, cancers, diabetes, and Alzheimer’s.


9. Reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes 

Animal proteins, particularly processed and red meat can increase risk of the type 2 diabetes. The findings were present in the latest study.

Moreover, the same study suggested that omnivores have a greater risk of developing diabetes compared to vegans.


10. Limits unfair treatment of animals

Animal products are the result of the unfair treatment of animals on a large scale.

So, if you aren’t able to go vegan for yourself, the inhuman treatment of animals may make you do so. Animals for the meat industry are raised in cramped, small spaces.

These 10 reasons are sufficient to make anyone go VEGAN.

Not only the diet plan has lots of health benefits but also helps lose weight. Besides, it has various positive environmental impacts making it an ideal diet plan for everyone.

So, if you are planning to take the Veganuary Challenege, go ahead. If you are still skeptical about can Veganuary help with weight loss, check out our final section.


Does Veganuary Help Lose Weight? | Final Thoughts

The vegan diet has increased in popularity.

More and more people are trying the diet plan to receive its numerous health advantages. In fact, it can induce weight loss and even promote weight management.

The Veganuary trend has gone viral in these years.

Started by a company of the same name in 2014, the challenge asks people to follow a vegan diet for the first month of the year as a new year resolution.

Though it may sound interesting, what’s really interesting is the one-month diet change can promote weight loss.

Studies favor the claim of weight loss after going vegan, but on a few conditions.

Weight loss tips with Veganuary

  • A low-calorie diet
  • Lots of fiber
  • Intense workout
  • Healthy lifestyle

In short, following a complete weight loss program along with a vegan diet, this January can help you get the maximum of your Veganuary.

Sign up for Veganuary to maximize your weight loss.

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By Allen Hicks

I believe that the integration of our biological body & natural supplements represents the next level of thinking for fitness and good health. I write about fitness hacks, nutrients balance & supplements alternatives.

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