herbal sedatives for sleep

Don’t Sleep Over Your Sleeping Issues?

It is because constant sleep deficiency can cause more than just mental and physical fatigue. Eventually, it leads to obesity, high blood pressure, diabetes, and even heart disease.

Sadly, according to The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, around 1 in every 3 adults in The US is reported to have sleep deficiency. Adding to it, around 50-70 million Americans have sleep disorders.

If you are among one of them, it’s time to make the change for good; and no, you don’t have to take sleeping pills for that!

There are herbs that make you sleep instantly without popping any pills. These herbs act as natural sedatives and are proven to provide quality sleep without any negative effects.

In case you are looking for herbal sedatives for sleep, join our discussion to unearth the efficacy of different natural herbs for sleep with scientific research.


Does Herbal Sedatives for Sleep Work?

Sleep is the body’s natural way of rejuvenating itself and getting ready for every day’s hustle.

Though a human body needs 7-8 hours of sound sleep to function properly, it seems quite not possible in the type of lifestyle we have today.

For this, people try to improve the quality of whatever sleep time they are getting. While some opt for sleep-inducing pills, others like to choose natural ways to do so.

One of the natural ways is incorporating herbal sedatives for sleep.

But do these deep sleep herbs make you sleep instantly for real?

Stressful life affects the natural secretion of the neurotransmitter serotonin hormone that is associated with peaceful sleep.

Notably, some herbal sedatives include tryptophan which is an amino acid that helps with serotonin synthesis. Balancing the serotonin level not only improves the quantity but also the quality of sleep you are getting.

In fact, there are even scientific researches that prove the efficacy of herbs for sleep and anxiety.


Expert’s Report on Herbs That Make You Sleep Instantly

Here we’ve added some research that assures how impactful herbs are and their potential to make you sleep naturally.


Research 1: Systematic Review of Plant Extract on Sleep Disturbances

The research report published in the Journal Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine that sleep aids based on plant extracts are safe and well-tolerated.

It systematically reviews the recent literature on oral plant extracts and their action on sleep disorders and different symptoms of sleep complaints.

Further, the study includes the results of some of the known herbal sedatives for sleep like valerian, hops, lavender, Chamomile, Haw Thorn, St. John’s Wort, and Rosemary.

As per the reports, valerian and lavender are the strongest herbs for sleep. These herbs have anxiolytic effects leading to improvements in sleep quality and duration.

While valerian extract reduces anxiety, lavender oil, and capsules lead to a decline in nocturnal awakening frequency.


Research 2: Efficacy and Safety of Herbal Sedatives in Sleep Disorders

Another research reviews the most common herbal sedatives and stimulants. This review delivers reports about caffeine, Yohimbe, Ephedra, Asian and Siberian ginseng, valerian, and Kava.

As per the conclusion, valerian and Kava decrease sleep-onset time and promote deeper sleep.

Adding to it, other popular herb for sleep like lavender, hops, German chamomile, lemon balm, and passionflower acts as mild sedatives.

Clearly, herbal sedatives for sleep do work if you choose the right one depending on your need.

These research reports and scientific data list some of the safest and strongest sedatives for sleep.

Let’s get to know what actually makes these natural herbal sedatives let you sleep like a log.


10 Natural and Herbal Sedatives for Sleep

There is a long list of natural and herbal sedatives for sleep that actually work.

However, we have listed down the top 10 herbs for sleep and anxiety for an instant and safer experience.


#1. Valerian 

It has been one of the most popularly used herbs for sleep since the 18th century. The purple flower plant with a thick green stalk is native to Europe and Asia. Valerian roots are incorporated in perfumes, supplements, and bathing products to promote relaxation.

How Does Valerian Root Make You Sleep?

As per the reports of the study published in the Oman Medical Journal, valerian contains 150-200 different substances. This mixture decreases the latency of sleep and increases the total sleeping time.

Adding to it, valerian root constituents also induce the stimulation release and reuptake of GABA (gamma-aminobutyric acid). Valerian root for sleep also acts as a partial agonist of the 5 HTPA (5-hydroxytryptamine 2A) that boosts melatonin secretion.

This induces better sleep quality and acts as a promising agent in assisting sleep.


#2. Chamomile

Who knew that a small pretty-looking flower could be such a strong and natural remedy for sleeplessness? With sun-like blossoms, the natural medicinal wildflower has been used since the Middle Ages for numerous health ailments which include relaxation and sleep.

How Does Chamomile Help You Sleep?

As per the reports of BMC Complimentary Medicine and Therapies, chamomile contains a flavonoid called apigenin. This constituent modulates the GABA (y-aminobutyric acid) receptors and induces relaxing sleep.

Adding to it, chamomile has anticonvulsant and CNS depressant effects. It also controls the stress-induced increase in plasma adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) levels.

Another study has proven that chamomile extract is the best natural sleep aid for the elderly after it improves sleep among people aged 60 years and above.


#3. Lavender

The soothing lighter and one of the most pleasant shades of purple is the first thing to come to mind when we hear “lavender”.

This flowering plant of the mint family with a sweet floral smell was once used as a holy herb. However, today, it is more commonly known for its ability to prevent and treat poor sleep quality and anxiety.

How Does Lavender Help You Sleep?

The main constituents of lavender namely linalool and linalyl acetate have local anesthetic effects.

As per the reports published in the Journal Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine,

Lavender oil also modulates GABAergic neurotransmission and enhances the inhibitory tone of the nervous system.

This leads to antianxiety and anti-depression effect, and reduce sleep disturbances. Adding to it, the anti-bacterial properties of lavender are found to relieve the factors responsible for sleepless nights such as inflammation.

No wonder lavender is one of the most trusted herbal sedatives for sleep in the modern world.


#4. Lemon Balm

Yet another member of the mint family, lemon balm is native to southern Europe and North America. Though it was traditionally used to uplift the spirits by steeping into the vine, these days lemon balm is famous for its calming and sleep aid benefits.

How Does Lemon Balm Help You Sleep?

Lemon Balm is a great anti-stress and anxiolytic agent. It assists in reducing stress and also contains phytochemicals that inhibit gamma-aminobutyric acid catabolism.

The lemon balm extract has improved anxiety in 70% of the subjects and insomnia in almost 85% in a study.

Adding to it, along with flavonoids, phenols, and eucalyptols, the key active components of lemon balm rosmarinic acid contribute to the calm and relaxing effect which makes it easier to fall asleep.


#5. Passion Flower

Passiflora or passion flower is a climbing vibe with vibrant white and purple flowers. It is traditionally first used in America and then in Europe for calming anxiety and stress. These beautiful herbal sedatives for sleep also treat seizures, hysteria, and insomnia.

How Does Passion Flower Help You Sleep?

The flower petals and flower heads are the medicinal part of the plant that helps with improving sleep. It works by soothing the nerves, promoting relaxation, and most importantly by binding to the GABA site of the GABA receptors.

Reports of a study suggest that it facilitates slow wave sleep and also decreases the frequency and mean duration of rapid eye movement.

Moving on, its flavonoid and alkaloid content shows potent antioxidant activity that has neuroprotective ability. All these characteristics make passion flower one of the most effective herbal sedatives for sleep.


#6. Kava

Also known as kava kava this herb has been a popular drink offered in ceremonies in Pacific islands.

It is extracted from the roots of the plant called Piper Methysticum. It has relaxing and euphoric effects that work as a great treatment for insomnia and nervous disorders.

How Does Kava Help You Sleep?

Kava has active substances called kavapyrones, or kavalactones work by sending messages to the nerves and allow your body to relax and sleep. Adding to it, kava extracts also have an effect on the GABA receptors.

In fact, as per the Journal of Effective Disorders, KAVA-KAVA extract has a positive effect on the sleep disturbances associated with non-psychotic anxiety disorders.


#7. California Poppy

The state flower of California, the bright orange California poppy is touted for its anti-anxiety and sleep-inducing effects. It is a wildflower and grows abundantly along roadsides and gardens. Moreover, because of its relaxation and ability to reduce mild pain, the California poppy is traditionally used in medicines.

How Does California Poppy Help You Sleep?

California poppy includes protopine and allocryptopine which are alkaloids that when interacting with GABA receptors have sedative effects on the body.

Though there are limited proofs in the reports of Biochemistry Research International, alkaloids detected in California poppy could be hypothesized to act as GABAA receptors.

It also acts as an analgesic (pain reliever) and antispasmodic effect that contributes to relaxing and deep sleep.

Somewhat bitter in taste, California Poppy also has a positive effect on chronic mental fatigue and mental disorders as well.


#8. Hops

The flowering member of the Cannabaceae family, hops are green cone-shaped flowers that are popularly used in beverages and medicines.

Even though they have a bitter flavor, hops have the ability to let you dive into the sweetest deep sleep.

How Does Hops Helps You Sleep?

It raises the neurotransmitters GABA and serotonin and also soothes the central nervous system and regulates the body’s circadian rhythm.

The results of a study suggest that 2mg of hop extract effectively reduces the nocturnal activity in the circadian activity rhythm.

Adding to it, hops also work brilliantly to reduce sleep disturbance when combined with valerian root which is another effective herbal sedative for sleep.


#9. Magnolia Bark

This deep sleep herb is a common component in traditional Chinese medicines. Also known as Houpo or Hou Po, Magnolia bark can measurably improve sleep and sleep issues like insomnia. It also decreases inflammation and treats an array of mental health issues like depression and anxiety.

How Does Magnolia Bark Help You Sleep?

Reports suggest that magnolia bark when combined with combined with nutrients like magnesium, reduces sleep disturbances. Adding to it, when combined with Phellodendron, magnolia bark reduces the cortisol level of the body.

Another report result shows that Honokiol promoted NREM sleep by modulating the benzodiazepine site of the GABAA receptor.


#10. Skullcap

Scutellaria lateriflora is an indigenous natural sedative herb that belongs to the flowering family of mint. Often found in damp areas, leaves of traditional herbal medicine are used as sedatives and treat conditions like anxiety and convulsions.

How Does A Skullcap Help You Sleep?

Skullcap contains a large number of flavonoids namely scutellarin and baicalin which gives this herb its sedative and antispasmodic effect.

It contains a compound called baicalin which is proven to have biphasic effects on sleep-wake regulation.

One of the strongest herbs for sleep and anxiety not only induces sleep but also treats nervous headaches and muscle tension.

All of these herbs work by tackling the root cause of the sleep disturbances whether it is hormonal disbalance or muscle inflammation.

Include these herbal sedatives for sleep and watch yourself doze off as soon as you call it a night.

But before that learn some of the best ways to use these deep sleep herbs.


How to Use Herbal Sedatives for Sleep?

When we say “herbs” the first thing that comes to our mind regarding its taste is bitterness. To be honest most of the herbal sedatives for sleep mentioned in the list above do have a bitter taste.

Thankfully, there are numerous ways to incorporate these natural sedatives for sleep to generate maximum benefits.


#1. Essential Oils

It is one of the best ways to get the relaxing benefits of herbal sedatives. Infuse these herbs in coconut or olive oils and apply them on your forehead, arms, and neck.

You can also use the lavender or lemon balm essential oils and use them in the essential oil diffuser lamp to relax and sleep


#2. Drinks

There is no way you haven’t tried any herbal teas. Chamomile tea is one of the best herbal teas for relaxing. You can either use the herb directly or simply buy the ready-made teas from the shops.

However, if you are making drinks using herbs, make sure you know the correct way of doing it including its quantity to avoid any adverse effects.


#3. Herbal Baths

What else do you need after a long tiring day; a bubble bath with scented candles and sea salt?

There are bath and body products that use herbal sedatives to help you destress and sleep better. You can also simply add essential oils to your bathtub and relax.


#4. Inhaler Drops

Some of the natural herbs for sleep are also available in the form of inhaler drops.

These drops are highly effective and help you fall asleep instantly. Putting certain drops of these natural herbs in your nose works instantly and you sleep like a baby.


#5. Oral Supplements

There are numerous oral sleep supplements available that use natural herb extract to provide a deep relaxing sleep. However, make sure to read the ingredients list before you commit to any natural sleep supplement.

All of these ways are easy and effective as long as you use the herb the right way. Sound sleep contributes to a lot of things in our life from our mood to our overall health.

However, only supplementing your body rigorously is not enough if you have a long history of sleep disturbances and insomnia.


Additional Tips to Get Deep Sleep

To have a good night’s sleep, it’s important to look after and work on your sleep hygiene as well.

Healthy sleep habits include following certain behaviors and practices throughout the day that help you fall asleep peacefully when you hit the bed.

Some of these habits include:

  • Being consistent about bedtime and wake-up time.
  • Avoiding alcohol and other caffeinated drinks 3-4 hours before your sleep time.
  • Bathing and wearing clean and comfortable night clothes.
  • Cleaning and making the bed before you finally sleep.
  • Avoiding the use of electronic gadgets 1 hour before you are ready to go off.
  • Doing enough physical activity throughout the day to make you tired at the end.
  • Make a comfortable bedroom environment with better lighting to promote quality sleep.
  • Listen to soothing music that relaxes your mind and helps your brain regulate melatonin.
  • Combine Natural sleep booster with plant-extracted components to boost deep sleep.

If you’re looking for one such supplement that can improve both the quality and quantity of sleep, we recommend you combine Noocube Sleep Upgrade.

It is an herbal supplement that naturally enhances the production of melatonin and helps user enhance their sleep cycle.

Follow these tips along with using the herbal sedatives and swing to and fro into your dream land within seconds of switching off the lights.


From Author’s Pen

Sleep is one of the most essential aspects of healthy living, but sometimes daily life consequences may interrupt daily routine.

However, natural additives like herbal supplements influence relaxation and contribute to deep sleep without any nasty impacts.

Here we’ve mentioned 10 such herbs that are proven to be safe and effective for promoting sleep. Get the dose off with complete relaxation by employing any of the supplements.

In addition to supplementing your sleep with natural herbs, we suggest you accessorize your sleep with comfortable bedding, a comfy mattress, and a pillow.

Consider rooting your sleep in a cozy environment with an oh-so-cozy bed mattress and bedding with comfortable sleep masks.

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By Allen Hicks

I believe that the integration of our biological body & natural supplements represents the next level of thinking for fitness and good health. I write about fitness hacks, nutrients balance & supplements alternatives.

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