How to increase Brown Fat

The new hot topic in the fitness world is Brown fat.

The trending topic has taken over the fitness community. Whether it is a fitness center or club, people are discussing it.

As it is new, people have less information and misconception. This results in misleading facts and figures around it. The normal conception goes like this.

Our body consists of white fat and brown fat. When used appropriately, it can trigger intense weight loss.

However, different dieticians and nutritionists have different views on the phenomenon. Some support the claims, while others are skeptical.

Before jumping into the whole new trend, you need to know what is brown fat. Most importantly, you need to know how it works and if it can work.

Let’s begin our discussion to find out the truth about brown fat.


What is Brown Fat? A Short Introduction

Human body stores excess energy in form of fat cells.

Moreover, it stores these fat cells in various ways. This results in storing various nutrients and minerals in them.

Brown fat is found in babies. This is its most common occurrence. The body of the baby uses the brown fat cells to burn for staying warm.

These are easily accessible sources of energy. Thus, in the fitness world, people are haste about having some of it.

Usually, the term applied for it is brown adipose tissue i.e., BAT. The brown color is the result of excessive mitochondria present in them.

Here’s how does brown fat generate heat?

The work is exactly like mobile batteries utilizing energy and burning calories when needed. Interestingly, brown fat releases energy in form of heat. This is like thermogenesis.

Brown fat has gained huge attention. This gives people the opportunity to use body fat as fuel. Moreover, your fitness program triggers hormones to activate brown fat.

That’s technical. However, one thing is clear. Brown fat is nothing to do with bad effects. Instead, it may aid your weight loss as it appears.

It doesn’t even cause health issues, because your body doesn’t store it.

There is no question like is brown fat good or bad?

On the contrary, white fat triggers health problems when present in excess. Before you know what foods increase brown fat, you should know what’s the difference.


Brown Fat vs White Fat: What’s the Difference?

white fat vs brown fat

As mentioned, brown fat is generally present in babies. The color is the result of the excess presence of mitochondria.

Apart from that, it is necessary to know how and where BAT gets stored.

A study indicated that body fat is stored around your shoulders and neck. This doesn’t at all apply to fluffy folks. If you are obese, it doesn’t mean you have loads of brown fat.

Certainly, it is an indication of white fat along with health problems. Other factors reveal other interesting facts.

For instance, a study declared brown fat denser. In other words, it takes less space. On top of that, the human body doesn’t generate excessively. Thus, you don’t notice much body fat.

Another study has more superb facts. The study indicates brown fact capabilities to burn more fat. Moreover, it even enhances the impact on white fat cells.

Now, you can understand the slight difference between brown fat and white fat. It is time to understand the use of the two types of body fat.


What’s the Purpose of Body Fat?

The two types of fat have different effects. Also, their purpose and function in your body differ.

In this section, we will explore to find out more about white fat vs brown fat.

White Fat

The standard fat i.e., White Adipose Tissue (WAT) is the most common body fat. You must have known about it earlier.

The cells stores excess energy in huge fat droplets. These jam around your body. Excess body fat helps you stay warm by insulting your organs.

However, excess white fat can trigger obesity. It even increases the risks of various diseases.

This includes cardiac ailments, diabetes, and more.


Brown Fat

These fat cells store the same excess energy in a compact space.

On top of that, it contains mitochondria in greater numbers. This gives them their brown and beige color.

Brown fat on burning generates heat without consequences. You feel no shivering. In short, it elevated thermogenesis. On top of that, it even helps burn more calories.

Scientists have considered it as a possible treatment for obese folks. Also, it appears helpful for different metabolic syndromes.

Earlier, the science world limited brown fat to babies. The common conception goes like this. These fat cells disappear once you reach adulthood.

 Recent studies broke this theory. The finding indicates that even adults have a little reserve of BAT. You can find them around your neck and shoulders. 

Moreover, people have some brown fat they are born with. You can call them “constitutive” brown fat. In contrast, there are others, you can call them “recruitable.”

You can convert this type of brown fat under the right situation. You can find the second type of BAT in muscles and white fat throughout your body.

White fat and brown fat are different. The given facts show how does brown fat help you lose weight.

Even you can convert the fat deposits into BAT. This will help you lose weight at a quick pace.

First, you need to know how to increase brown fat. Some researched-backed tips and tricks can help. Let’s discuss them.


How to Increase Brown Fat to Lose Weight?

There are different ways to elevate brown fat in your body. people believe heightening BAT can help in weight loss.

Of course, they burn quickly. On top of that, they even burn more calories than normal body fat.

Let’s have a look at the top ways to build brown fat.

#1. Supplements

People search for supplements to increase brown fat.

Some drugs help in the browning of the regular fat cells. Thiazolidinediones (TZDs) is one such drug. It regulates insulin resistance to manage brown fat deposits.

However, the drug is for diabetic folks. Docs don’t prescribe the med to non-diabetics. Moreover, TZD can trigger fluid retention, weight gain, and other side effects.

This is paradoxical. In other words, TZD isn’t a quick solution for weight loss using excess brown fat.

Apart from synthetic drugs, some natural stimulants also help in increasing brown fat activity. Studies have found that Yerba mate and Guarana help in inducing brown adipose tissue expansion.

Therefore, it would be better if you combined a natural supplement that contributes both supplements.

Zotrim is one such natural supplement with an optimum dosage of yerba mate and guarana to increase brown fat activity. As per users, Zotrim before after results reviews, the fat burner helps in improving weight loss efforts as well.

Fortunately, other tips can help gain more brown fat.


#2. Lower Temps

A study suggests cool temperature exposure can help gain more brown fat cells. They have some vital recommendations. 2 hours exposure of to cold temperature i.e., around 66°F (19°C) daily can elevate recruitable fat brown.

Moreover, cold baths and ice baths may also help. On top of that, dropping your thermostat a few points can help.

You can even walk in cold weather for similar benefits.

Or you can try other ways to cool down your body. this enhances your brown fat density.


#3. Workout

Some animal studies indicate a protein, irisin can help. It supports the conversion of white fat into brown ones. Fortunately, the human body generates this protein.

Another study from 2016 found active people generate more irisin. In contrast, sedentary folks produce fewer of protein. Surprisingly, people performing intense aerobic workout programs generate more protein.

The indication is clear.

A robust workout program is strong evidence of higher brown fat density. Moreover, experts have other recommendations as well.

They recommend work for both good health and weight management. Here are the guidelines for adults.

  • 150 min (about 20 min daily) of modest workout. For instance, playing tennis, or walking.
  • 75 min (about 11 min per day) of energetic workout. For instance, cardio, cycling, or swimming laps.

These studies are early indications. It requires more investigation and peer review. Nonetheless, workouts benefit your physique and health ultimately.


#4. Never Starve. Never Stuff

When it comes to weight loss, you usually prefer to starve. However, this affects the hunger-regulating neurons in the brain.

According to a study by Yale School of Medicine on mice, we found it true job. They boost fat conversion into brown fat.

Consuming fewer calories prevents brown fat conversion into white ones. On the contrary, having a normal diet does reverse effect. It converts white fat into brown ones.

Moreover, excessive eating has its own consequences. It elevates your white body fat. This affects the ability of brown fat to burn calories.


#5. An apple a day

An apple a day keeps the doctor away. According to a study, you can add in the famous proverb, it keeps fat away.

The researchers at the University Of Iowa have interesting findings.

The apple peel has a shine, it is the result of ursolic acid. The study found it effective in stimulating brown fat in mice. The result was amazing even when their diet was high in fat.

Now, you probably know what food turns white fat into brown fat. moreover, have more recipes for the furth to enhance your brown fat count.


#6. Promotes Melatonin Production

Melatonin is responsible for maintaining the sleep-wake cycle.

Surprisingly, a study in the Journal of Pineal Research discovered significant findings. The compound increases the quantity of brown fat in rats.

Usually, people prefer taking supplements to boost brown fat. However, it comes with consequences. With melatonin, you don’t have such issues.

You need to reduce light exposure from TVs, mobile phones, pcs, and other screens. Meanwhile, you need to increase sunlight exposure. This is the most effective way to elevate melatonin.

Moreover, you can have melatonin-rich food as well. This includes cardamom, almonds, tart cherries, tomatoes, and coriander.

These are some effective ways to enhance your brown fat density. The greater amount of it maximizes weight loss.

It’s time to take some common questions related to the new trend in the fitness world.


FAQ’s on Brown Fat

New fitness trends tend to create doubts and misconceptions. The same is true with brown fat. This section spread light on such misgivings.

Let’s begin…

Q1: What activates your brown fat?

The best way to activate your brown fat is by exposing your body to cold temperatures. It helps recruit more brown fat than normal.

  • You just require 2 hours of daily exploration to the temperature around 66°F (19°C). Apart from this, you can try the tips mentioned above to boost brown fat.


Q2: Does brown fat help you lose weight?

BAT is a weight-loss shortcut. They burn at a faster pace while burning more calories at a time. Moreover, they even spike your metabolism to burn more body fat.

This results in maximized weight loss. you can understand why brown fat has become popular among weight loss freaks.


Q3: Does brown fat make you look fat?

The mysterious brown fat has created a whole lot of doubts. Yes, they are related to white fat. People think it can make you fat.

However, they take quite a compact space. They are mainly present on the shoulders and neck. They are less likely to make you obese.


Q4: How Much of Your Body Is Brown Fat?

Brown fat is not like white fat. They take very small space compared to other white fat cells. In short, they are a very less amount of your stored body fat.

Earlier, experts believed it only exists in babies. However, recent discoveries reveal even adults have a certain amount of brown fat.

The article on brown fat helped you understand every nitty-gritty. It is time we sum up the whole discussion.


Wrapping Up

The new fitness trend is brown fat. the whole fitness community is taken by it.

Everyone is discussing the brown fat. It is somewhat like white fat, but not exactly. Its characteristics make it feasible for weight loss.

In general, Brown fat cells are present in babies. However, adults too have them in small quantities. They burn at a rapid rate while eliminating more calories. This way it aids your weight loss.

You can try out different ways to enhance your brown fat density. This way you would be able to lose more weight than normal.

Incorporating diet and exercise will be further help.

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By Allen Hicks

I believe that the integration of our biological body & natural supplements represents the next level of thinking for fitness and good health. I write about fitness hacks, nutrients balance & supplements alternatives.

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