Monday blues meme might give you a burst of hearty laughter, but it can have a significant impact on your productivity.

At times we have all felt the clammy dread feeling with the winding weekends, wanting to stay in bed even when it’s time to the office.  Obviously, not only it affects your work life but has an influence on your mood as well.

But, why Monday should be so hard?

Actually, it shouldn’t be.

In fact, you can bid farewell to the annoying lethargic sensation at the beginning of a new work week. All you have to try the expert ways to beat the Monday Blues…

Before we share the strategies let’s get a short yet deeper insight…


What is Meant by Monday Blues?

Monday blues is a pathetic feeling inexpressible in words. It may begin late Sunday evening and stick with half of your Monday.

The closest definition would be hating yourself as the Monday begins and having a greater urge to punch your boss.

In more decent terms, it’s likely feeling laziness of extreme level as the first day of the week arrives.

A desperate want to stay in bed no matter what want. Not wanting to go office and continue the weekend for the whole next week.

Obviously, this can undermine your productivity in the workspace and even affect your personal life. Nonetheless, trying a bit dose of motivation can kickstart your day with a huge boost.

Monday, Monday, so good to me; Monday morning, it was all I hoped it would be.

The rhyming phrase suggests how John Phillips is happy about Monday. However, we experience the contrary, it’s hard and annoying. Why do we experience Monday blues in the first place?


Why Do I Have Monday Blues?

According to Twitter, hashtag #blues reaches a peak every Monday. Sometimes it trends at the top. Further, the research suggests the average number of smiles lessens on Mondays until 11:16 AM.

We can really say what changes at the particular moment, the statistics are just average.

However, the good news is…

You Aren’t the First One. Everyone Experience the Freaking Monday Blues!

The reason behind hating Mondays differs from person to person.

According to science, the primary reason is the alteration in sleep patterns and daily chores over the weekend.

Most sleep and wake up late on Sundays and Saturdays. This altered sleeping pattern interferes with the natural body clock. Of course, this interference results in the blues you encounter on Monday.

Interestingly, the scientists reveal such feelings at random intervals. However, during these studies, Monday was no different than the rest days of the week.

A study suggests people hate every working day equally. On the other hand, the same study indicates, Fridays are happier note because of the coming weekend.

Monday Blues sentence deprives a productive day. The pain is agonizing due to a drastic alteration from a happy weekend to a nasty weekday. By Tuesday, we became used to our life and go through the irritation of an ongoing weekend.

So, don’t keep on asking, “Is Monday Blues a real thing?” Yes, it is. The real culprit behind it is ‘change’.

But, what is the timeframe we are likely to encounter the lethargic event?


Monday Blues: When Are You Likely to Experience One?

It might sound like just another stupid thought in your mind.

But, does everyone encounter it on Monday always?

Yes, silly, Monday blues occur on Monday, that’s why it is said Monday blues.

However, would you face them at each week’s beginning? Nah! Still, some common occasions are likely to trigger one.

  • Post an amazing vacation
  • After a really long weekend
  • When you had a mind-whopping party and excessive alcohol consumption over the weekend.
  • After spending an interesting and enjoying Sunday night with friends or family
  • Most importantly, when you have to complete the task you hate on Monday.

Whatever your reason is, beating the Monday blues is possible. Still, to proceed with the methods, you have to get to the root cause.

Once you have identified the trigger point, try the different ways and strategies to beat the Monday blues.


15 Effective Strategies to Beat The Monday Blues

Monday blues are interesting.

You experience it but can’t find an effective way to fight it off. Ultimately, you accept it like just another disease.

However, it isn’t something uncurable. In fact, with the finest strategies, you can beat the shit out of it.

Here’s some kickass way to overcome Monday blues!


#1: Continue Self-Care Routine Over The Weekend

What makes Mondays harder is kicking the normal habit out of your life for two days. Whether it is eating, sleeping, or physical activity, you change everything abnormally.

Having excessive drinks, hard-digesting food, and unhealthy and abrupt change in sleeping pattern, ultimately disrupts your Mondays. Hence, when you wake up you end up wanting another weekend.

Yes, weekends are for a break from your hard and tight schedule and lifestyle. Still, finding a balance between the two would only take you long.


#2: Weekends Are For Weekends

The Monday blues indicate you require a stronger and stricter limitation between work and play. If you ought to go through emails on weekends, you are likely to burn yourself out.

Eventually, the Monday blues face you off, when you are back to your regular workspace. The bad thing, it would feel worse than to be in hell.

Thus, switch off your email notifications on Friday itself.

Once, Monday arrives to get back to the mails it would work as a sprinkle of motivation.


#3: Don’t Play with Your Sleep Cycle

Adequate sleeping is important for your overall health. Not only a healthy sleeping habit has a positive impact on your day.

When you wake up after having a full night’s sleep, you feel fresh and active. Eventually, this translates into maximum output at the workplace as well as in your personal life.

However, on weekends, people tend to have lesser sleep.

This impacts negatively when the week begins and you don’t want to leave the bed. Next time, don’t kid with your sleep cycle.


#4: Get a Head Start On Important Tasks

Fully disconnecting from work on weekends isn’t realistic. In case, you are aware of the next big task that can be over on your head, be prepared for it beforehand.

For a big deadline or an overwhelming week, keep an hour or two on weekends free.

This will help you cut off the pressure landing on Monday. Obviously, this will make you hate working lesser for the better.

Still, make sure you have a full-on relaxing day on Saturday. If skipped, Monday won’t be a fun day anymore.


#5: No Overscheduling on Monday

The week begins and your schedule is flooded with meetings one after another. This won’t be productive ultimately. Instead, it would make you want to leave the office right away.

Thus, experts suggest avoiding overscheduling on Monday. In fact, you should avoid, big tasks, or important meetings, whenever possible.

Doing so beforehand, make you stressed about your week ahead. Henceforth, you aren’t able to be at the weekend even after being there.


#6: Write Down What Worries You

Are you stressed about a lot of things draining your energy and activeness?

Evidently, it is going to impact the start of your week also. However, jotting down what bothers you can help. In fact, it makes you calmer and more productive.

Here are big things you can ask to give yourself relief:

  • What are the exact emotions that are bothering you? Sadness, Anger, Anxiety, or fear?
  • What’s worrying you out, exactly? Is it a task or a person?
  • What measure you can take to skip the worrying? A short walk is enough? Or Jotting down the plan for the week ahead will help

First, see what’s the problem, and afterward, look for possible effective measures.


#7: Why Aren’t You Motivated?

Sometimes, Monday blues aren’t blues. Instead, it indicates you aren’t interested in your profile anymore. In other words, the excitement lacks.

If you are passionate about something, it doesn’t matter if it is Monday or Friday. You are going to have the most productive time irrespective of the season, months, and time.

Thus, begin with identifying the real cause of anxiety. Afterward, find an effective solution to kick the Monday blues out of your life.


#8: Reframe Mondays

If you are finding it hard to start your Monday on a good note, you need to change a few things immediately.

Spend the first 30 minutes jotting down what you have achieved so far and what you look forward to achieving.

Evidently, this would function exactly like a mini dose of motivation. Moreover, it introduces you to the bigger picture, how your Mondays are going to help you.

If you take advantage of these 52 opportunities, nothing is going to stop you from getting to your ultimate goal.


#9: Discuss with Your Friend

A familiar voice has a miracle-like effect.

Particularly, when you are fed up nothing is better than talking to a close friend. Taking to your friends or loved ones once during a lunch break can revive your spirit.

Eventually, this would boost your confidence and energize you to tackle the big meetings. This is one of the best tips to beat Monday Blues.


#10: Planning Something Fun Helps

Having some fun things to look forward can effectively fight off and beat the Monday blues.

It stimulates your brain and works as a motivation stimulator. Knowing you are to participate in a fun activity helps.

Whether it is a basketball game with colleagues during the lunch hour, or meeting a friend after work, can go a long way.


#11: Do Something Nice for Someone Else

Instead of fuming over your escalating to-do list, do see if you can make someone’s Monday a little better.

Eventually, this would distract you from yours. Definitely, you would feel betters. You can take inspiration from these:

  • Wake up early and prepare a special breakfast for your partner.
  • Send your colleague a “thank you” email over your lunch break.
  • You can also provide your friend with a pep talk before they proceed to their big meeting.
  • Pay for any stranger’s coffee while going to the office.


#12: Treating Yourself Helps

How do I deal with Monday morning anxiety?

This is an effective tip.

Starts with small yet effective measures. Pay additional attention to yourself when the week begins.

Go on and order your favorite breakfast sandwich on the way to the office. Or keep 20 minutes separate on your Sunday night to prepare the best reviving and delicious breakfast for the next morning.

Well, starting your Monday with your favorite breakfast, not only keeps you up for the day but also energizes you. In short, you are well prepared for the weekly grind.


#13: Ease Up on Mondays

Don’t leave the big things for the first day of the week. In fact, it should be on the focused Tuesday and Wednesday instead.

Use Monday to go through your work, emails, and planning for the rest of the week.

If possible, do the easy task or busy work on Monday. Whether it is copping, approving invoices, or arranging travel, Mondays are best for it.


#14: Sometimes It Can Be More Than Just Blues

If your Monday blues persist into Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday blues, it might be a sign of depression.

Actually, Monday blues tend to get better when the week proceeds. Whereas clinical depression is continuing irrespective of days.

It is a persistent loss of interest in life, ongoing activities, and depressed mood. Moreover, it can have a long-term impact on your life as it extends for a longer period.

Other signs include a chronic sense of hopelessness, restlessness, irritability, and sleep dilemmas.

If you have lost the nerve, the Monday blues ways aren’t going to help. It won’t only drag you from a possible productive day but will get you a step back from your goal.

These effective strategies and plans to kick off a sudden lack of motivation in your life are helpful in real.

However, if you belong to those groups whose Monday blues exist due to lack of sleep and laziness, go for natural supplements.

Noocube Sleep Upgrade is one of the best sleep aid supplements that can help you in improving your sleep cycle, reduce stress, and lower your anxiety level.

With zero additives and GMO-free Noocube Slee p Upgrade formula is completely safe to use without the terror of any kind of mental side effects.

In fact, the ingredients used such as lavender, lemon balm, and other essential nutrients work together to offer a more relaxing and stress-free state of mind.

Noocube sleep upgrade can also be used as the best nootropic supplement that enhances your mental alertness and focus being missed on Monday Mornings!

Using Noocube Sleep Upgrade also gets you –

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The Noocube Sleep Upgrade Reviews show positive user results.  Further, the only disappointment that lies with Sleep Upgrade i.e you can buy the sleep aid booster through its official website only.

Thus If Your Brain Is Draining Out Buy This Noocube Sleep Upgrade Now!!


The Final Words

If you still keep on wasting your Mondays now and again, your future is sure of ruin.

No Monday Blues Quotes is going to help. It might get you a sudden stimulation of motivation, but at least it would go into the abyss of lethargy.

Thus, it is important to go in-depth into the causes triggering your blues.

Once you have identified your culprit, beat the Monday blues with any effective plans that are mentioned above. You can apply two, three, four, or all as possible.

Don’t wait any further. Let this Monday be the last Monday of Monday blues.

 In case, if Monday blues persist throughout the week and even continue to weekends, it may be serious. Such ongoing depressed mood and lack of interest may be signs of clinical depression .

Thus, it’s best to seek professional help right away. Consult with your medical health provider. It would be better if you consult with any mental health specialists.

So, what are you waiting for? Go out and kill it. Remember you are more than Monday blues, and you can do everything.

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By Allen Hicks

I believe that the integration of our biological body & natural supplements represents the next level of thinking for fitness and good health. I write about fitness hacks, nutrients balance & supplements alternatives.

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