The Hunt For The Most Effective Fat Burner – Prime Shred Or PhenQ!
Let’s do an honest vs. fake tagline review for a bunch of fat-burning supplements; before we begin with Prime Shred vs PhenQ
The difference between what they say vs. what they honestly wanna say.
- Masked tagline: Show off your abs by stripping off your flab with our XYZ pills
- Honest tagline: Occupied with fake content, vacuumed benefits, our pills can do worse
So, this is a hidden ongoing trend amongst many of the fat-burning supplements in the market. Secretly they know their worth too.
However, this doesn’t apply to every other product as well. Some products still prioritize the notion of ‘consumer satisfaction over everything else.
Nevertheless, it’s a rare virtue!
Hence, today in this blog are gonna discuss 2 of the best fat burners, that can be seen following a true notion in their dietary pills.
- PrimeShred
- PhenQ
However, you can’t go for both at the same time, can you?
Therefore, we decided to help you decide on the best dietary pills for you by giving a quick review.
Visit PhenQ Official Website –
Visit Prime Shred Official Website –
Prime Shred vs PhenQ- A Quick Overview
Table of Contents
- 1 Prime Shred vs PhenQ- A Quick Overview
- 2 PrimeShred – Hardcore Fat Burner for Men
- 3 PhenQ – Natural Formula for Men and Women
- 4 Prime Shred vs PhenQ Ingredients
- 5 Prime Shred vs PhenQ: Common Ingredients
- 6 Prime Shred vs PhenQ – Which One Offers More Value?
- 7 Prime Shred vs PhenQ: Are they as Per Safety Standards?
- 8 PrimeShred vs PhenQ: What Users Say About?
- 9 Prime Shred vs PhenQ: Usage and Dosage
- 10 Prime Shred vs PhenQ: Where to Buy?
- 11 Prime Shred vs PhenQ Finale: Let’s Compare!
- 12 The Final Verdict
Both of these fat burners hold a significant share of the fitness market. Thus this segment will help you in getting a clear picture of where both of these fat burners stand.
Have a look at them,
Choose Your Package

Exclusive Weight Loss Pills For Men Only
• Better Mental Focus
• Boosts Stamina And Endurance Level
• Maximum Calories Burn
• Lean Physique Goals
Mild Side Effects like: Constipation, Jitteriness, Indigestion
3 Capsules Per Day
2-3 Pounds In A Month
75 % of Users
Applicable On All Orders But Not Worldwide
100 Days

Multi Functional Diet Pill
• Burn Fat
• Stop Fat Production
• Suppress Your Appetite
• Boost Your Energy and Improves Mood
Zero Side Effects
2 Capsules Per Day
3-4 Pounds In A Month
90 % of Users
Free Worldwide delivery
60 Days
From the above Prime Shred vs PhenQ Comparative Review, we can draw an opinion that both of them are natural fat burners designed to make you lose weight definitely.
However, we cannot expect you to go for both of these Guaranteed Weight Loss Pills… it won’t make any sense to your pocket too!
Therefore to help you in relying on one fat burner among the two, we have done a comparative analysis of both of these supplements.
You can underline the differences between the two on the basis of:-
- Natural ingredients
- Benefits
- Safety standards
- Customer testimonials
- Usage & Dosage
- Pricing factor
Before that comparison let’s begin the blog by introducing both products. Firstly, what is PrimeShred?
Now let’s begin the blog by introducing both products. Firstly, what is PrimeShred?
PrimeShred – Hardcore Fat Burner for Men
Free from GMO and produced under GMP, FDA; presenting PrimeShred!
A Scientifically formulated high potent fat burner for a complete body transformation, designed both for men and women.
Adding this to your fitness regime will boost your energy, and mental focus, thereby helping you achieve your physique goal.
Formulated with naturally oriented ingredients, Prime Shred is one of the best cutting supplements, which is 100% vegan and safe.
Now, there’s a lot more to come in this PrimeShred vs PhenQ review. Hence, read below to know about the ingredients that go into PrimeShred.
PhenQ – Natural Formula for Men and Women
PhenQ is a fat-burning supplement, exclusively known for its scientific curation of naturally sourced ingredients.
Moreover, it is the undisputed king of the thermogenic fat-burning supplement, in terms of stimulating body metabolism.
The careful proportion of Capsimax powder in PhenQ acts as a potion in the weight loss process
For those who don’t know, capsimax is one of the most powerful and natural thermogenic fat-burning supplements.
This supplement is curated using organic composition, thus their effects are temporal, rare, and harmless.
This is just the beginning and there’s a lot more to come in this PrimeShred vs PhenQ review.
So let’s begin with the ingredients that go in both PrimeShred and PhenQ guaranteed weight loss pills.
Prime Shred vs PhenQ Ingredients
The success or failure of any supplement depends mostly on the list of ingredients used for their formulation.
Hence let’s dive in deep and see how are these supplements curated to give cut-throat competition to each other.
Exclusive Ingredients In Prime Shred
Read below to learn about the key ingredients that fill PrimeShred.
1: Green Tea Extract
Named as the powerhouse of antioxidants, it flushes out toxins from your body. Similarly, PrimeShred uses green tea for weight loss.
The potent use of this component helps scale up the metabolism. Therefore, it helps curb the deposition of adipose tissues under your skin.
Dimethylethanolamine is an organic compound that induces neurotransmitters, thus enhancing cognitive performance like concentration, focus, and attentiveness.
Moreover, it is equally beneficial for gym rats, during their hardcore workout session without making them feel fatigued.
The reports of research suggest that deanol may produce positive behavioral changes in some senile patients. Due to its ability to improve cognitive activity, it is used in Prime Shred to give your mental agility proper support.
3: L-Tyrosine
This vigilant amino acid for weight loss promotes muscle tissue build-up. It works by absorbing proteins, an integral component of bodybuilding. Moreover, it keeps in check the level of adrenaline and epinephrine.
4: Green Coffee
Imbued with an active dose of antioxidants, helps boost metabolism and calorie breakdown in the body.
Additionally, chlorogenic, a compound present in green coffee, gears up the whole thermogenesis process. Furthermore, this name is conventional in inducing awareness due to its caffeine content.
A meta-analytic result shows a significant difference in body weight in those treated with green coffee extract as compared to those with placebo. Although the size of the effect is small, the evidence indicates that intake of GCE can promote weight loss.
5: L-Theanine
This amino acid polishes cognitive skills like attention and focus, calmness, positive moods, and emotions.
In a study on mice, it was found that L-theanine promotes thermogenic activity in brown adipose tissue and white adipose tissue. The mice were given a high-fat diet along with L-Theanine for 12 weeks.
This resulted in lesser obesity effects on mice with L-theanine and HFD compared to those mice having only HFD.
6: Vitamin B Complex
Vitamin B complex becomes the powerhouse energy when in need of agility and activeness. Therefore, vitamins for weight loss help break that belly fat by breaking down extra fats and carbs. Thereafter, it releases energy as a by-product.
As published by SpringerBriefsin Public Health, vitamin B supplementation effectively reduces body weight gains and plasma levels of lipids by improving energy metabolism-related enzymes.
7: Rhodiola Rosea Root
Amassing from Europe and Asia, this medicinal herb activates the release of fat-emulsifying enzymes.
Wondering how Rhodiola root can help in weight loss?
Rhodiola acts by improving the process of oxidation in cells, thereby minimizing the chances of fatigue causing lactate build-up. It additionally helps speed recovery processes. Thus, even more, beneficial for athletes.
Rhodiola Rosea extract has various pharmacological effects including anti-fatigue, anti-inflammatory, and anti-stress activity.
The statistical data reports of a study suggest that the commercial extract of Rhodiola Rosea supports the support the lipolytic and anti-adipogenic activity in primary human visceral pre-adipocytes.
8: Bioperine
Extracted extensively from black pepper. This natural thermogenic ingredient improves metabolism thereby resulting in calorie burn.
9: Cayenne Pepper
The pigment ‘capsaicin’ in this supplement helps curb fatty tissues through thermogenesis. Additionally, it also stirs up the release of fat-emulsifying enzymes that reduce the conversion of fatty acids into adipose deposition. Hence, maintaining a healthy fat-muscle ratio.
Now that we know about the ingredients, go through the section below to learn about the same and other major ingredients of PhenQ.
Exclusive Ingredients In PhenQ
It’s always important to check all the ingredients before making a purchase. Thus, below we have enlisted the core ingredients of PhenQ.
1: Capsimax
Together it blends capsicum, piperine, caffeine, and niacin resulting in rapid fat loss, thereby cutting down the piled-up fatty acids in the body. It is associated with thermogenesis.
As per the reports of a study, the body fat percentage after 12 weeks of treatment with Capsaicinoids (CAPs) was 5.91% units lower in patients who were given 4mg CAPs as compared to placebo subjects.
2: Chromium Picolinate
It acts as an amazing appetite and craving suppressant. PhenQ makes effective use of this component by stimulating satiety and hence, you feel less hungry. Furthermore, it keeps your insulin levels regulated.
As per the scientific reports of a study, chromium picolinate is proven to increase lean body mass and decrease body fat percentage. This as a result leads to weight loss in humans.
Though it is a small part of the weight loss, it still has effects on the body composition.
3: Nopal
Belonging to the cactus family, nopal is rich in soluble fiber, which curbs appetite. Clinically proven to support lean muscles, it additionally brings down fluid retention in the body, a major cause of bloating.
In a double-blind placebo-controlled study it was found that Opuntia ficus-indica promotes weight loss. Here 20 volunteers were given 2 pills 3 times a day for 45 days. As a result, less energy was absorbed which led to more fecal fat excretion.
There were no reports of any adverse effects by the volunteers as well.
4: L-Carnitine Fumarate
This naturally sourced amino acid converts the deposited fat into energy, thus boosting metabolism. PhenQ thus utilizes this component by burning calories that improve agility and stamina during intense workout sessions.
According to the clinical evidence by the Nutrition ESPEN, L-carnitine supplementation has a modest effect on body weight BMI, Waist circumference, and fat percentage.
So, this was all about the ingredients of PhenQ. Now that we’ve discussed both supplements at their individual base, let us discover things they share in common. Begin with the ingredients they have in common.
Prime Shred vs PhenQ: Common Ingredients
Some ingredients are common for the fact that the makers are no fool to miss the most integral and beneficial component of fat loss supplements.
Both PrimeShred and PhenQ share 2 common ingredients. They are:
#1: Cayenne Pepper (Capsicum)
While cayenne pepper content in PrimeShred seems to be around 200mg, PhenQ doesn’t believe in revealing the proportion of dosage. However, it still contains cayenne pepper in its composition.
#2: Caffeine
Okay, it is a rare case that caffeine in any form gets secluded from the composition of fat-burning supplements. Why so?
Because it is best known to enhance attentiveness, focus, and mood, and leads to thermogenesis.
PrimeShred includes direct caffeine content in the form of green tea and coffee whereas PhenQ blends it with capsicum. However, both supplements proudly make it a part of their composition.
So, this was all about the common ingredients present in both PrimeShred and PhenQ.
Moving forward, let’s now see some shocking but real customer reviews of PhenQ vs PrimeShred.
Prime Shred vs PhenQ – Which One Offers More Value?
Both the fat burners have ingredients of equal standards with also some common among them.
Read on in order to know the fact which one will give more value in the form of benefits to overall health.
Prime Shred Benefits: Why Should I Go For This Fat Burner?
Firstly, let’s look at some of the prior reasons to choose PrimeShred.
Reasons To Buy PrimeShred: The regular intake of Prime Shred results in many weight loss, fat burn, and lean physique benefits. however, there are some other benefits as well.
#1. It is Vegan
If you are into veganism and looking for a vegan-friendly fat-burning supplement, Prime Shred is the answer.
Prime shred ingredients are all vegan. There is no hint of animal-derived products.
#2. The Supplement is Soy-free, Gluten-free, and Dairy-Free
Those who are allergic to soy products or are gluten-intolerant, don’t have to worry about supplementing their fat-burning process.
Prime Shred is also safe for those whose bodies can’t tolerate soy and gluten products.
Also, those with lactose -intolerance or people who simply avoid dairy products can safely add Prime Shred to their diet to accelerate the process.
#3. Contains Non-GMO ingredients
Prime Shred ingredients are natural and safe. Today, when most of the ingredients are synthetic and genetically modified to increase the effects of a product, Prime Shred uses all-natural and safe ingredients.
These ingredients are scientifically backed and are also proven to have fat-burning effects.
#4. No Artificial Coloring or Preservatives
Prime Shred doesn’t use any artificial colors to make the pills attractive. The pills are in their original form.
Adding to it, no preservatives are used by the manufacturers for storing the product for the long term.
You can use the product safely for the recommended period and gain as many benefits as possible.
#5: Boosts Your Energy Level
The use of ingredients like caffeine anhydrous, green tea increases the stamina and energy level in the body. All the gym-goers who love doing intense workouts get the most benefit from using PrimeShred.
#6: Improved Muscle Recovery
This fat burner also helps in building body muscle and a greater physique. The makers of PrimeShred say that this benefit can be maximized when taken before workouts.
#7: Elevated Mood-Boosting Hormones
The Ingredients like L-tyrosine, green tea extract, L- theanine help in releasing dopamine and serotonin in the body. Both of them are mood-boosting hormones responsible for keeping the body calm and stress-free.
#8: Enhanced Fat Burning Process
The key function of this fat burner is to boost the fat-burning process in the body. Along it also energizes other hormones responsible for fat burning. In this process, your metabolic rate makes a high jump.
Pro-Tip to Maximize the Prime Shred Benefits
Eat four to five small meals, drink plenty of water, and get adequate sleep. However, the benefits do not always come alone but are often accompanied by some possible side effects.
Let’s read below to know if there are any side effects associated with PrimeShred.
PhenQ Benefits: Why Should I Go For This Fat Burner?
Firstly, let us look at the below-listed reasons to buy PhenQ
Reasons To Buy PhenQ: Regular intake of PhenQ results in,
#1: PhenQ is Vegan and Vegetarian-Friendly
Most of the people are turning vegan for the sake of the environment and also for ethical reasons.
If you’re among such people, this shouldn’t stop you from losing weight.
You can simply switch to PhenQ weight loss pills. It is crafted keeping in mind the health trends prevalent in the community.
#2: Safe for Women on Birth Control Pills
Those women who are using contraceptives, can also safely use the weight loss product. PhenQ is a natural dietary supplement and doesn’t interact with oral contraceptives.
However, it is still recommended to discuss it with your doctor before adding it to your diet.
#3: Enhanced Mood And Energy Level
Most people using this fat burner find that it is effective in improving their mood swings. Unlike other fat burners, it is free of negative impacts like depression, anxiety, and stress.
#4: Better Mental Focus
The process of weight loss is already a stressful and tiring thing to do. However, the powerful ingredients of PhenQ like caffeine help in keeping your charge up with more focus and concentration power.
#5: Faster Fat Burning
PhenQ works faster in burning calories because of its thermogenic effect. In this process, the body temperature increases, and the fat-burning process continues throughout the day.
#6: Appetite Suppressant
Uncontrollable cravings and unnecessary snacking are two elements responsible for obesity in people.
But with PhenQ regular use, this habit of overeating can be eliminated. Its ingredient like chromium picolinate is considered to be the best natural appetite suppressant ingredient.
#7: Eliminating Fat Production
This fat burner helps in reducing fat production in the body. It creates a habit of producing and storing fat to be converted as energy when needed.
Pro-Tip to Maximize the Benefits of PhenQ
Include cardiovascular workouts to stir up the whole fat-loss process with PhenQ. However, it’s not just the benefits that solely convince us as consumers.
It is only after closely analyzing the existence of its after-effects that we choose to buy a product.[/su_note]
Hence, to inform you of the same, below we have enlisted the potential risks associated with using both PrimeShred and PhenQ if any.
Prime Shred vs PhenQ: Are they as Per Safety Standards?
The benefits do not always come alone but are often accompanied by some possible side effects.
Let’s read below to know if there are any side effects associated with PrimeShred and PhenQ.
Side Effects: Is PrimeShred Safe to Use?
Well, there is no such thing as ‘side effects.
However, people whose bodies take a good amount of time to adapt to any supplement may face situations like
- Constipation
- Diarrhea
- Jitteriness
- Indigestion
However, as we discussed earlier, this supplement is curated using organic composition, thus these effects are temporal, rare, and harmless.
So, this was all about PrimeShred. Enlisting its attributes, composition, and possible side effects, we covered everything to know about PrimeShred.
Side Effects: Is PhenQ Safe to Use?
Although consuming PhenQ pills doesn’t require any strict medical prescription.
But in some cases, people under certain conditions should avoid its intake.
It includes those who are:
- People with some underlying illness
- Children
- People who are under contraindicated medications
- Pregnant or lactating mothers
Apart from the above-mentioned conditions, anyone is fit to use PhenQ.
So, this was the overview of both supplements, starting from what it is to what it contains and more. Moving forward, let’s now see some shocking but real customer reviews of PhenQ vs PrimeShred.
PrimeShred vs PhenQ: What Users Say About?
What’s better than reviews backed by oral testimonials; when you’re stuck in a phase of deciding the best?
It’s always a good thing to consider the feedback of people before going for any supplement. It gives more personal and defined opinions to examine and rely on.
Therefore, we in this section are gonna give you a complete Prime Shred vs PhenQ Customer Review.
Let’s begin with the Prime Shred fat burner review by consumers.
#1. Customer Testimonials of Primeshred Fat Burner
Michale, one of the consumers of this product said that she stripped off 12 pounds within just 15 days! Nothing came out to be the best but PrimeShred.Moreover, to testify the same, he proudly shared his Prime Shred before and after the results.
Jeffery another user of PrimeShred said that he was fed up with trying different fat burners giving the same results. But this was the first time when a fat burner actually worked for me. Making me lose 10 pounds in 2 weeks. Thanks to PrimeShred and its manufacturers.
Now, moving forward to PhenQ Fat Burner Review by consumers.
#2. Customer Testimonials of PhenQ Fat Burner
Halsey, another PhenQ user says that she is totally in love with this supplement. It has helped me in losing my belly fat and love handles with so much ease. It’s a must-try for people battling hard with their unwanted calories.
Margaret, the PhenQ user says that I was a fatso from the beginning and the reason was my love for food. It became worse when I started suffering from high cholesterol levels, and obesity. People started making fun of my body weight. That time I chose to lose weight and turn myself into a fab beauty. And look now I am one. The journey from [110 lbs to 60 lbs.]
All that was possible with a healthy diet, along with the regular intake of PhenQ.
Now that we’ve covered the customer reviews, let’s discuss the usage and dosage of Prime Shred vs PhenQ.
Prime Shred vs PhenQ: Usage and Dosage
Wondering how should you go on the dosage?
What’s the ideal time for consumption and how much?
Well, then read below to know about the usage and dosage of PrimeShred vs PhenQ. Firstly, with PrimeShred.
How Should I Take PrimeShred Weight Loss Pill for Better Results?
- 3 capsules a day to bring down your calorie intake!
Of course, to be accompanied by a glass of water and healthy food.
Simple as that!
Now let’s move on to the dosage of PhenQ
How Should I Take PhenQ Weight Loss Pill for Better Results?
- Filled up to the brim with 60 tablets, go for 2 pills daily to see results, fairly.
One with your breakfast, another with lunch.
We’re now very close to the wrapping section of this review. However, let’s first do an overall comparison before stamping the final verdict.
Prime Shred vs PhenQ: Where to Buy?
Many times the users of various supplements get misguided by real and genuine-looking products on various stores or selling platforms.
This not only causes waste to the money of innocent buyers but also damages the goodwill of such brilliant manufacturing companies.
Thus to curb this, many of the manufacturers sell their products from their own official websites only.
Hence if you also wanna know the exact right place to buy both supplements get your eyes on the below section.
Where to Buy Prime Shred Real Fat Burner?
PrimeShred Fat Burning Pill is available on its official website.
- 1 Bottle of Prime Shred costs $49.99
- 2 + 1 Bottle of Prime Shred for just $99.99
- 3 + 2 Bottle of Prime Shred for just $149.99
There are crazy deals on PrimeShred going on right now. So, what are you waiting for? Go buy your first bottle now. Coming next to where to buy PhenQ fat burner.
Where to Buy PhenQ Real Fat Burner?
The PhenQ weight loss pill is available on its official website.
The good thing is that they offer free shipping for the convenience of users. The price of,
- 1 Bottle of PhenQ costs $69.99
- 2 + 1 Bottles of PhenQ cost $139.99
- 3 + 2 Bottles will come for just $209.99
So the more you buy, the more discounts you will have.
One bottle contains 60 capsules which means a whole month’s supply of the fat-burning pills. So, this was all about PrimeShred and PhenQ Strongest Fat Burner.
Enlisting their attributes, composition, and possible side effects, we covered everything to know about both of them. Now we can move for an overall comparison before stamping the final verdict.
Prime Shred vs PhenQ Finale: Let’s Compare!
So, here comes the most awaited part of the blog, the comparison!
You might wanna grab a cup of coffee as this comparison is gonna take time!
We will now be weighing both supplements, based on their ingredients, benefits, pricing, and more…
#Firstly, the ingredients.
Both PrimeShred and PhenQ have curated their product with excellent distinguishing ingredients, unlike copy-pasting others’ USPs. However, they have 2 ingredients in common; caffeine and cayenne pepper.
#Secondly, with the benefits they provide.
Both products equally rely on goals like induced stamina, focus, energy, and metabolism, meanwhile suppressing appetite.
Prime Shred works on USP by keeping itself away from GMO and steroidal content. Whereas, PhenQ works on the USP of preventing fat production and storage.
Although this strategy adopted by PhenQ is very much unique, the winner of the benefits round goes to PrimeShred.
The reason behind this is that it follows excellent manufacturing standards, which are transparent, safe, and ultimately gain more consumer trust.
#At Third Usage And Pricing Factor.
Both PrimeShred and PhenQ differ in terms of dosage. While for PrimeShred it’s 3 capsules a day, it’s 2 capsules for PhenQ.
In terms of side effects, PrimeShred says that their products are quite rare to cast any negative effects. Even if they do, it is temporal and negligible.
On the other hand,
PhenQ entails that although consumption of their diet pills doesn’t require any prescriptions. But it does set some guidelines about who should avoid its intake.
However, Prime Shred doesn’t have any ‘who should avoid’ guidelines.
A major deciding factor is the price of the product.
We often tend to weigh a product in terms of its value for money.
Getting down at pricing, PrimeShred gives you amazing weight loss results at $49.99 (USD).On the other hand, one bottle of PhenQ costs $69.99.
So, this was all about Prime Shred vs PhenQ fat burner review. Now let’s see who wins the No. 1 sash.
The Final Verdict
We’ve left no stones unturned in comparing both products, meanwhile highlighting their best features.
For carrying out our unbiased comparison we strongly went on the edges of different parameters. It includes ingredients, benefits, pricing, review, etc.
Although both products equally work brilliantly in stripping your stubborn fat deposition by dripping off calories.
But, as known, we always have only 1 winner, maybe that’s why we give the name ‘winner’.
Keeping in mind all the discussed parameters, PrimeShred takes up to the victory sash by just a tear-drop difference, with PhenQ.
That ultimate judging factor is both benefits and pricing.
Beauty lies in the eye of the beholder. Similarly, the winning position of a fat-burning supplement lies deep within the satisfaction level of its consumers.
Hence, anyone who can decide on an ultimate winner is no one but you! Hope you found this PrimeShred vs PhenQ blog helpful.
Comment down below and let us know who you like the most; PrimeShred or PhenQ?
Great article! You have shared all the details where you can compare all aspects of PhenQ and PrimeShred weight loss products. Thanks for sharing!!