How To Stop Snoring

Get Relief with these Home Remedies to Put Snoring to Rest.

“Oh! I don’t snore.” This is a common statement; we use when we are referred to as the snoring ones. And someone shows your recorded sorning act and you are done. Next, you would get to your pc and type, “How to Stop Snoring?


Before you get to the solutions, there are few basics you need to understand and move to the next step. Neither every harsh sound is a snore, nor every snore is the same.

Yes, there are different types of snoring having different health reasons behind it.

So, before we hit the top solutions on how to stop snoring immediately, we have to tell you everything about it.

Let’s start with what exactly snoring is…


What Is Snoring?

Snoring is nothing but noisy breathing during sleep. Well, it is a common condition affecting anyone.

Still, it is wildly common in men, especially in people who are overweight including women as well. With aging, the condition is likely to worsen.

Snoring once in a while isn’t something concerning. Nonetheless, for a long-time snorer, it might be tough. Not only it affects your partner’s sleep pattern, but even degrades the quality of your sleep.

It can also be a symptom of serious health problems like obstructive sleep apnea. If you snore regularly or loudly, it might be a warning single. It isn’t just about a good night’s sleep but more.

Thus, it becomes vital to know how to stop snoring permanently and get rid of the related health condition. This can be only possible only if you know in what category your snores fall…

Types Of Snoring

You might have heard someone snore. Or you might snore yourself. If you have observed the difference, you can notice they sound different.

Actually, various types of snoring existing indicating different health issues. Still, they all indicate the blockage in smooth breathing…

#1. Nasal Snoring

Nasal snoring is most common resulting due to blocked nostrils.

This occurs due to problems like a deviated septum, a cold or flu, allergies, taking specific types of medications, or smoking.

If it’s because of a stuffy nose at night, understand why it’s happening in the first place. Once you get to the cause, find a solution accordingly.

Try different tricks for different conditions including taking allergy medication, giving a nasal rinse, quitting smoking, using nasal strips. In the case of a deviated septum, corrective surgery helps.

#2. Snoring In The Mouth

Mouth snoring occurs when you breathe through an open mouth than with a nose when asleep. The reason is the blocked nasal passages, enlarged tonsils, or feeble palatal tissue.

So, when you can’t breathe from your nose at night, your body automatically switches to your mouth. Hence, you experience Snoring In The mouth. Getting to the cause and finding a solution helps.

#3. Snoring Based On Tongue

During sleep, when the tongue relaxes too much, it results in tongue-based snoring. When the tongue becomes too relaxed, it can block the airways.

The issue is relatively high in people who drink excessively, have a fat neck, take sleeping pills, or sleep on their backs. However, the treatment available for it helps.

This includes losing weight, decimating alcohol consumption, stopping sleeping supplements, or sleeping on the back. Besides, Oral appliance therapy is another good option.

#4. Snoring Throat

Throat-based snoring is the loudest and most dangerous as well. Typically, it is a sound indication of an underlying health condition, sleep apnea.

In this condition, you stop breathing at all, due to obstruction in the airway at night.

This results in choking and coughing to open up your airways reallowing you to breathe. The vicious cycle of sleep apnea can occur hundreds of times overnight. Eventually, you snore and have not a good quality night’s sleep.

Here is a bit of detail…



Closed-Mouth Snoring

May indicate an issue with your tongue

Open-Mouth Snoring

It may be linked to the tissues in your throat

Snoring When Sleeping on Your Back

Perhaps slight snoring-Improvements in sleep habits and lifestyle variations can be operative solutions.

Snoring in All Sleep Positions

Can mean the snoring is more serious and may necessitate a more thorough treatment

Whether you are snoring immediately after falling asleep or later in deep sleep, it affects the quality of your sleep. However, knowing the type of harsh noising cycles helps in finding the right solution.

So, before you jump up to our top tips in our guide on “how to stop snoring naturally,” it is important to look at a few key aspects. The next one is the causes.


What Causes Snoring?

Everyone who snores doesn’t snore because of the same reason. In fact, in individual cases, the causes are likely to vary. Of course, the four types of snoring clearly explain everything.

Now, let’s explore the nitty-gritty of what causes snoring.

#1: Age

With your age, your throat narrows, and your throat muscle tone lessens. This begins when you reach middle age and beyond. Obviously, nothing can be done to increasing age.

Still, lifestyle changes, fresh bedtime habits, and throat movements may help to prevent snoring.

#2: Being Overweight Or Deformed

The major contributors to snoring are Fat tissue and poor muscle tone. Even if you aren’t really fat, having excess weight around your throat or neck leads to snoring. Workouts and weight loss may stop snoring.

#3: The Way You’re Built

Men’s bodies have narrower airways than women’s. So, men are more likely to snore. Besides other physical features contributing to snoring in men are cleft palate, narrow throat, enlarged adenoids, etc., often inherited.

Obviously, with no control over your physical characteristics, certain lifestyle changes may help in stopping snoring.

#4: Nasal And Sinus Problems

Another reason is Nasal and Sinus Problems.  A blocked nose or blocked respiratory tract develops difficulty to breathe in. moreover, it creates a void in the throat resulting in snoring.

#5: Alcohol, Smoking, And Medications

Certain medications, alcohol consumption, and smoking result in excessive smoking. The major medications are tranquilizers like lorazepam (Ativan) and diazepam (Valium) leading to muscle relaxation results in snoring.

#6: Sleeping Posture

Sleeping posture not only maintains your body composure but result in snoring as well. Sleeping on your back relaxes the throat muscle.

Ultimately, this blocks the respiratory tract resulting in harsh noises. However, changing your sleeping pattern may wrap up the issue.

Once you have identified the cause behind the irritating noises. It’s time to get to the top tips on how to stop snoring. So, let’s hit with a bang…


12 Effective Ways On How To Stop Snoring 

Once you have identified your snoring type and examined the cause behind it, it’s time to go for solutions. Don’t go for a random solution, pick one that fits your need.

Here’s our help with how to stop snoring

#1: Control Your Weight

Being overweight isn’t a problem unless the body fat accumulates over the neck and squeezes the internal diameter of the throat.

Eventually, this narrows the airways when you lie down leading to loud snoring. However, weight loss can help reduces the body fat around the neck resulting in lesser snoring.

#2: Choose The Right Pillows

Do you know?

There is a thing called anti-snoring pillows and it works. Actually, it prevents your airways from blocking. Hence, snoring is no more a hurdle to cross.

A normal pillow accumulates lots of dust mites resulting in allergic reactions, a major cause behind the loud irritating noise.

If breathing is a problem during the night, these allergens are a major contributor to your snoring habits.

Next, learn some pillow hygiene.

  • Put them in the air fluff cycle every two weeks.
  • Change them every 6 months to avoid allergic reaction due to dust mites
  • Use wedge pillows to uplift your upper body and maintain the spine position for keeping air passage open.

These few tricks help to minimize the snoring issue. Particularly, if snoring occurs due to a pillow, these tips would be great for you.

#3: Stay Hydrated

A hydrated nose is a happy nose!

Dehydration thickens mucus secretion in the nose and mouth. Obviously, a throat that sticks causes snoring. Thus, try to maintain hydration by drinking plenty of fluids. This would be water, juices, or any other fluids of your choice.

An adult should on average drink 8-10glass of water from fluids and food on daily basis.

#4: Check Your Nasal Passages

One of the main instigators behind snoring is blocked airways. An open passage allows air to pass through smoothly. However, a blocked one creates havoc causing the harsh loud noise.

Here are few tips on how to stop snoring at night by keeping your air passage open.

  • Using nasal strips: Keeping it on the bridge of the nose expands the space in the nasal passage. So, breathing becomes smoother and effective thereby lessening the hair noise.
  • Using a nasal dilator: It is a kind of adhesive strip with entrenched splints put on top of the nose across the nostrils. This helps in lessening the airflow resistance to keep the airway open.
  • Trying antihistamine pills: You can either take the pill or try a nasal spray to avoid allergies.

#5: Maintain Sleep Hygiene

Sleep hygiene isn’t important from the view of quality sleep, but it can reduce instances of snoring. Thus, try to get enough consistent sleep on a comfortable bed to maintain sleep hygiene.

Here’s how to help to stop snoring by maintaining sleep hygiene:

  • Comply with a strict sleep routine for hitting the sack and waking up.
  • Switch to decent-quality blinds or heavy curtains to keep the light least while sleeping.
  • Don’t use a phone or any electronic device 1 hour before you jump to bed.
  • Keep all the electric devices at a distance or in another room close to bedtime.

#6: Stay Away From Alcohol Before Bed

Snoring occurs due to relaxed throat muscles. Alcohol consumption can excessively relax your throat muscle and tongue. Eventually, when you sleep after drinking a few glasses, snoring becomes louder than ever.

So, how to stop snoring so loud? Just avoiding alcohol before hitting the bed can provide great relief.

#7: Pick A Healthy Sleep Position

Sleeping position can be another cause behind snoring. When your sleep on your back, your tongue and soft palate scrunch to the backside of your throat. This shrinks your air passage resulting in an irritating vibrating sound during sleep.

So, how to get someone to stop snoring in such a case? This is very simple, just by changing your sleeping position snoring can no more be a problem. Try sleeping on the side and see if it works.

#8: Get Enough Sleep

Not having enough sleep is another cause behind snoring. Thus, make sure you maintain your sleep cycle. So, try to sleep for at least 7-8 hours every night.

#9: Raise The Head Of Your Bed

As said, sleeping position determines if you are going to snore or not. One of the major reasons behind snoring is keeping your head aligned with your body. This blocks the air passage and interrupts airflow.

Ultimately, the obstruction results in snoring. In short, try to keep your head a little by using a wedge pillow to avoid snoring.

#10: Treat Chronic Allergies

Allergies disturb the airflow through your nose. So, when you are asleep you begin to breathe through the mouth. This increases the chances of snoring.

However, consulting with a doctor and relying on over-the-counter drugs or allergy medicine can improve your situation.

#11: Correct The Structural Problems Of Your Nose

For some, the problem lies in the structure of bone or injury due to some accident. This affects their deviated septum causing you to snore.

Actually, it is a misalignment of the wall separating two sides of the nose limiting airflow. Thus, this results in mouth breathing during sleep resulting in snoring.

How to make someone to stop snoring in this scenario? Well, this case is a bit complicated and requires a surgical operation. So, it’s best to consult with your doctor and know what is possible.

#12: Avoid Taking Sedatives Before Bed

People who take sedatives are more likely to snore. If you fall in this category, talk to your medical health provider and look for their opinion. H

ow to stop someone from snoring if he takes sedatives? Well, in this situation, stopping the intake of sedatives before hitting the sack may provide relief from snoring.

These top tips on how to stop snoring man or woman are highly effective.

According to your situation, you can pick out the solutions and see what works for you. However, proper sleep hygiene is mandatory for everyone to avoid snoring in the first place.

Besides, the simple most accessible ways to stop snoring, other treatments are also available. Let’s have a glance at them now…


Other Medical Treatments On How To Stop Snoring

You know the simple, accessible tips on how to stop snoring. Now, it’s time to get a step ahead and try some pro ways if the above ones don’t work for you…

Treatment #1: Oral Appliance

Using an oral appliance works for you if none of the above worked. Mouthpieces called “mouth appliances” keep your air passage opening helping in breathing smoothly. Obviously, this prevents snoring. However, before using such a device, consult an expert first hand.

Treatment #2: CPAP (Continuous Positive Airway Pressure) Machine

If it’s okay with you, CPAP or Continuous Positive Airway Pressure machine may help. You have to wear it over your nose to keep airways open during sleep. Hence, this helps in keeping snoring at bay. Nonetheless, the treatment is recommended in the case of obstructive sleep apnea.

Treatment #3: Palatal Implants

Another name for the treatment is “pillar procedure.” It involves injecting braided strands of polyester filament into the soft palate of your mouth. This keeps the airways open to reduce snoring.

Treatment #4: UPPP (Uvulopalatopharyngoplasty)

This surgery tightens the tissue in your throat for smoothening the airflow. Eventually, this reduces snoring. Moreover, Laser-assisted uvulopalatopharyngoplasty (LAUPPP), which is sometimes more efficient in comparison to UPPP.

Treatment #5: Radiofrequency Tissue Ablation (Somnoplasty)

The new snoring treatment utilizes low-level radio waves to lessen tissue in your soft palate. This eventually reduces snoring.

These were some of the medical treatments available in intense snoring cases. First and foremost, understand what if the type of your snoring and the cause behind it.

Next, find the fitting solution for your issue and see if it resolves.


The Final Words

Snoring isn’t a problem that affects your directly, but it impacts the sleeping pattern of your partner. Thus, it is important to find an effective solution for the issue.

On top of that, it can be a symptom of an underlying condition such as sleep apnea. So, it is important to avoid it in the first place.

However, snoring is more find in men compared to women, but this doesn’t at all mean women don’t snore. The tips and solutions offered here are effective for both genders.

If nothing helps talk to your medical health provider and go for the treatments available here as per your conditions.

For more information on snoring, ask in the comment section.

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By Allen Hicks

I believe that the integration of our biological body & natural supplements represents the next level of thinking for fitness and good health. I write about fitness hacks, nutrients balance & supplements alternatives.

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