Do Push Ups Increase Testosterone

The evolution of men in the field of fitness is praiseworthy. Primitive are those days when workouts were merely meant for showing off your physique or used for sex appeal.

Folks have now realized the interconnection of exercise to that of a healthy lifestyle. One such realization includes leveling up their testosterone with the help of exercises.

However, in the process of getting a clean bill on health, men get confused too.

One such confusion is; do push-ups increase testosterone levels?

Let us find out…

Do Push-Ups Increase Testosterone?

Okay, we know that increased testosterone helps in better performance at the gym.

However, many are still unaware of the fact that t-levels in turn can be increased with serval bodyweight training!

Yes, this is true!

A recent study reveals that 60 seconds of squats and push-ups can exponentially ignite your t-level as well as LH and FSH.

So, yes. Push-ups do promote the production of testosterone level in your body.

However, this poses another question; how does it happen? How do push-ups increase testosterone?

Therefore, to decipher the same, it becomes important to study and understand the correlation between push-ups and testosterone.


Co- Relation Between Bodyweight Exercise And Testosterone

Do Push Ups Increase Testosterone

Remember, we’re untangling their correlation only after that realizing that yes, push-ups do help increase testosterone in men.

Therefore, let us understand a link between the two.

Intense workouts like push-ups stir body metabolism. This fired up energy, subsequently, resulting in greater muscle movement, and henceforth, stressing a large group of tissues.

This repetitive action gradually results in a massive testosterone boost.

This phenomenon has been also analyzed by clinical studies and unveiled a few conclusions.

For instance, a clinical study found that 30 minutes of bodyweight exercise is enough to boost testosterone by 21.6%.

Basically, bodyweight increases your t-level by bringing a large group of your muscles into action. And by action, we mean RIGOUROUS and a continuous one.

Going back to the efficacy of pushups in increasing testosterone…

Push-up can definitely help boost t-level in the long run. Apart from boosting testosterone, it also promotes other ‘good health’ actions like:

  • Increasing blood circulation
  • Oxygenated muscles
  • Aiding in weight loss
  • Bringing down the risk of osteoporosis
  • Improving body metabolism

Push-Ups is considered one of the Best Testosterone Boosting Exercise Without Weights.

Further, read on the types of push-ups to increase muscle growth. Though the traditional one is beneficial, there are also other variations of push-ups that you can go for. The next section is going to guide you on the different versions of push-ups you can perform… have a look at all six of them.


6 Most Effective Push-Up Variations To Increase Testosterone

Here are the 6 different types of push-up variations for beginners that you can give a try  – depending upon your strength.

#1: Traditional Push-Up

The very common and viral form of exercise on social media. In this variation, you keep your hands beneath your shoulder and core tight. You can perform this one either being on your knees or on your toes.

Keeping your elbows close to your body and tuck in. Exhale and come back to the original position. This kind of push-up brings stability and strength to your arms, legs, and lower body.

#2: Wide Arm Push Up

In wide arm push up the more pressure is created on chest and front arms. So the wider you keep your arms on the surface, the more pressure will be built on the chest. This means that a wide arm push-up puts more focus on your pectoral strength compared to a traditional one.

#3: Diamond Push Up

In diamond push up, your hands are kept in position narrower than the shoulder width. The space between your hands should be such that it forms a triangle shape. In this form, you can also flare your elbows to the side while coming down to the surface.

Some may find it hard to execute compared to other forms of push up especially the beginners.

#4: Staggered Push-Up

In a staggered push-up, the body remains in the same position as in the traditional one. However, the variations can be seen in the position of hands.

One hand is placed higher than the other one, still in line with the shoulder. This exercise helps those who want to increase the level of strength on both individual sides.

#5: Clap Push Up

Such push-ups are really dynamic in nature and demand explosive power in your arms. Here you start with traditional push-up but the moment you lower yourself to the ground then the clap push starts on taking.

Now as you come up you need to see the time you have left to make your hands clap together while the time you reach the back position again.  It’s the same way when you make a jump off the ground from your legs and touch the surface again with your toes.

#6: Superman Push Up

Superman push-up is one such exercise that demands more strength in your muscles. It takes the clap to push up to a whole new level. Here not only your torso leaves off the ground but also your whole body goes in the air for a fraction of eye blink.

The arms go right above your head in front of you so that you perform your pose in mid-air before you touch the ground safely. Both the clap and superman push up targets on the power and strength of the chest. These pushups are mainly beneficial for athletes and basketball players.

Hence these were some of the variations of push-up which you can perform. However, our advice will be to build the push-up staple from traditional ones than moving to a higher notch.

Otherwise, there are chances of you getting some serious strains or muscle collapse during performing such routines.

Moving on do you the benefits of push up if done on regular basis??

Well, getting ripped muscles is one such benefit that people know…however considering it as a bonus get to know the other unknown benefits of doing push-ups.


9 Benefits You Get From Single Push Up Exercise

#1. It Is A Compound Exercise

For many of you, the term compound exercise may be new. It means a form of exercise where several body muscles are used to perform a single routine. Exercises like push-ups are therefore considered compound exercise which can help you in building muscle strength quickly.

 Push-up exercise is a great way to work on different body muscles at the same time. So it can one of the best testosterone boosting exercises that can be performed without weights.

While doing push-ups,  your arms lift up the body, your chest supports them, while your core, back, and legs are engaged to keep you straight, stable, and upright. Thus when it comes to working out on all your muscles nothing seems to be better than push-ups.

#2. It Is A Cardiovascular Workout

You may find it strange that how push up can be a cardiovascular workout!

That’s so because when you are engaged in a workout that requires a combination of muscles to work for…those muscles need blood and oxygen to perform properly. Thus the heart needs to work on pumping oxygenated blood throughout your body to keep those muscles going.

For instance, push up are consider as weight lifting exercise cause here you are lifting the weight of your own body. Hence the heart needs to work overtime to keep you active.

However, push up can help a lot in strengthening your muscle as well as your heart rate. Also, a healthy heart can lead to less chance of heart attacks, arterial diseases, and lower blood pressure.

#3. Stretches Your Biceps

If you do workouts, you must know how much stretching out is important for the body in both pre and post-workouts?

While push up helps in stretching out your biceps fully from one spectrum to another. That because when you lower your body to reach the ground as a result the biceps contract and when you rise above from the ground they extend to the fullest.

Many of the time people face injuries while performing their routines or weight lifting. Therefore to avoid such issues and make your body flexible stretching is essential.

What can be better than performing push-ups?

Next time when you go for some heavy deadlifting makes sure to do some pushups. They will make sure that your muscle goes limber and nice for the hellish workout you have set for the day.

#4. No More Back Injuries

Another body part that stretches out when you perform push up is your back. As we said before that flexibility is one essential thing to have while performing any kind of workouts or yoga also.

It helps in preventing any kind of back injuries that can be very debilitating and painful for you to bear. Also, the fact that push up not only prevent back injuries but also help in attaining a much stronger back and core than before.

Mind it having a stronger back is necessary not only for workouts but for real-world activities also. Starting from lifting your groceries to carrying your kids from one place to another.

Not only this a strong back can also improve your body posture making you look more confident and approachable.

#5. Independent And Versatile Exercise

One thing that every person appreciates about push up is that you can perform it anywhere without any need for equipment. Literally, you don’t need to spend your money on any piece of equipment for push up or to pay those high-rated gym membership fees to be in shape.

Push up is one such exercise form that you can perform anywhere either in your bedroom, your hall, at parks or beaches. You can use a yoga mat or similar like that however that’s not a necessary thing.

Adding more push up is a very versatile routine to perform because it saves a lot of your time. This means that you don’t have to give your time to different exercises to get the fitness results.

#6. Get Stronger Shoulders

Regular push-ups help you to get stronger shoulders. Having a stronger shoulder is a plus point because now you can lift things easily and looks manlier too. Apart from that stronger shoulders help you in preventing injuries in your old age. The shoulders become susceptible part to get weaker as we age.

Therefore you should perform push up regularly to avoid any shoulder joint or rotator cuff injuries. Also, the push-up exercise keeps your shoulders in motion keeping it mobile as high as possible.

So by the time you are in your 50s and you don’t want to suffer from such severe pains start doing few push-ups regularly.

#7. More Production Of HGH

HGH production is very necessary for the overall healthy body and cell growth. This human growth hormone is equally responsible for an increase in muscle mass. However, with aging, this hormone starts sinking very drastically and that’s not a good thing to happen.

Push up workouts which involves combination of muscles spurring the development of more human growth hormone.

Through the use of muscle, it builds the muscle mass, and through stimulating the body to produce HGH hormone it assists in the same.  Like this, a push-up exercise acts in both direct and indirect ways to make the HGH hormone keep on rising.

#8. Weight-Bearing Exercise

Push-ups are also called out as a weight-bearing exercise. Due to the use of a combo of muscle together it enables the body to hold on to your own weight. This process not only makes your muscle stronger but also the bones at the same time.

The more weight you put to train your muscles and bones,  the denser, stronger, and harder results will be.

This happens because the pressure you put on bones makes them produce more bone cells or bone mass. Such bone mass gets on increasing as the level of weight-bearing exercise goes on increasing. Strong bones can only prevent breakages and degenerative diseases like osteoporosis in old age.

#9. Push-Ups Increase Testosterone

Last but not the least,  how does push up help in testosterone production?

Our whole blog is about this only so you can think of the influence a single push-up exercise can have on your testosterone level.

As you know that like the HGH hormone, the t-level also starts on the decline with age.

That’s why if you also don’t want to face the issues people go through due to low testosterone level – start spending your more time in exercising rather than sleeping on your couch or whatever be.

Going through the benefits of push-ups, now it’s time to move forward in the further section given below to know does push up increases testosterone?


How Do Push-Ups Increase the Testosterone Level in Men?

Push Ups Increase Testosterone

Push-ups are considered the quickest and easiest way to reap various health benefits without paying higher membership fees. It only demands a mental fortitude to push yourself to the MAXIMUM to get the desired results.

With age, the t-levels in men keep on sinking for things to turn worse. But this is not the only reason for low testosterone level.

There are also various other reasons because of which people face low t-levels at an early age. They can be either due to

  • alcohol consumption,
  • smoking,
  • thyroid issues,
  • obesity,
  • cholesterol level and so on.

At such a phase of life majority of men choose to take the help of anabolic steroids and testosterone supplements to boost their t-levels.

However, they are not the guaranteed or safest things to claim for low testosterone levels. Many of the manufacturers use a lot of chemicals and stimulants to make their pills work.

As a result most of the time they turn out to be a big flop plus causing serious health issues like kidney failure, high cholesterol level, and what not!

SO, if you don’t wanna fall for such havoc situations go for a more natural process for uplifting the low testosterone level.

You are free to disregard our words but how will you deny the researcher’s report!

Recent studies reviewed by Daniel Bubnis, M.S., NASM-CPT, NASE Level II-CSS — it was found that intense resistance training exercises can actually help in boosting the testosterone levels of men.

Thus push-up exercise is one such kind of resistance training creating pressure on your pectoral muscles [shoulders, triceps, back, and core] at one time.

As said above because of the pressure created on muscles, the heart supplies oxygenated blood flow for muscles. That blood flow also helps in improving the erection quality. So the greater the amount of oxygen and cardio activity will be the more will be metabolic rate. Further, this rate will in turn reduce the fatty acids resulting in an increased testosterone level in men.

As we promised that by the end of this blog you will get your answer and here you got this. So, what more to know??


How To Naturally Boost Testosterone With Exercise? [5 Tips]

The process of protein synthesis and muscle growth is multiplied due to the androgenic and anabolic effects of testosterone.

However, what if you’re running low in this hormone?

Well, the answer is overlapped. In simple words, by committing your body to effective exercises. Therefore, out of the crowd, we’ve shortlisted some of the best exercises one can perform to boost their t-level.

  • Strength Training

Aka known as resistance training or weight training, this type of exercise includes the aim of curbing flab, increasing flexibility, bulking muscles, and more. Thus, targeting and gathering larger muscle groups to work against a force is the secret sauce of this training.

  • For The Love Of Leg Day

Remember, focusing on every muscle of your body will result in a significant rise in testosterone levels. Therefore, it’s not only biceps but legs too.

Several clinical studies have backed the importance of the combination of the lower and upper body for an effective rise in t-level.

  • Bodyweight Training

This type of exercise includes push-ups, squats, sit-ups, and pull-ups too. Bodyweight exercises work by stressing over different muscle groups at the same time.

Moreover, the best part about this training is that it doesn’t demand any special equipment in its process.

  • H Fr HIIT

High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) includes different types of intense bursts of workouts. This training not only helps in fat reduction but also promotes muscle mass, meanwhile stimulating t-level.

  • Rest To Recover

Well, this is not the name of an exercise, of course. However, that doesn’t mean you will go forward ignoring it. Resting does a lot to your body Intense workout sessions lead to muscle spasms. Thus, recovery becomes important too.


According to clinical research, the rest period of about 120 seconds between 2 rounds can subsequently lead to increased testosterone level.

Okay, so now you not only have an answer to do push-ups increase testosterone but also some of the best tips to increase it.

However, these exercises will only be effective if done consistently.

Now, with this, we come to the end of this blog on do push-ups increase testosterone. However, before we wrap up, let us recollect a few points on the same.


Final Comments

We in this blog evaluated different theories to a conclusion. While evaluating, we came through different clinical research that backs the importance of push-ups and links it with high levels of testosterone.

Furthermore, we even saw HOW does that happens. And thereafter, enlisting the best tips to boost your testosterone with exercises.

So, yes, putting all pieces together, we can say that push-ups do constitute a significant boost in testosterone.

We would definitely recommend that if you have not tried doing pushups till now?  Get started from today. At the start, we would prefer to don’t go for more than 5 or 10 reps.

We hope this blog highlighted all the touchpoints of the topic; do push-ups increase testosterone. Also, do write to us if any of your doubts have remained unclear.

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By Allen Hicks

I believe that the integration of our biological body & natural supplements represents the next level of thinking for fitness and good health. I write about fitness hacks, nutrients balance & supplements alternatives.

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