How Does Sleep Affect Muscle Growth

Does Sleep Affect Muscle Growth or does sleep play an important role in bulking ??

Sleep is the most underestimated factor when it comes to bulking. However, improper rest can significantly hinder your muscle growth and recovery.

Various sleep and muscle growth studies have established a direct relation. Most folks find it challenging to bulk up mainly because their entire focus remains on workouts and diet.

Managing a successful professional life while keeping your athletic effort doesn’t go right for everyone. They overlook the importance of proper rest.

Sleep is the time when your body becomes free of the different body processes.

Thus, it focuses on muscle strain and necessary muscle damage. This is how adequate sleep benefits muscle recovery and muscle growth.

In this article, we will dig into the importance of How Does Sleep Affect Muscle Growth and Recovery?

Let’s begin…


How Important is Sleep for Muscle Growth?

In general, bodybuilders may have their entire focus on their diet, workouts, and supplement. They overlook the importance of sleep, which directly or indirectly impacts their muscle growth.

The effects are heavy especially when the athlete is into intense strength and endurance training.

Here’s an insight into how does lack of sleep affect muscle growth. First, let’s understand the things happening in the backdrop of sleep.


What Happens When You Sleep?

Adequate sleep is important. It gives enough window for proper muscle repair and recovery. While you are in deep slumber, your body enters a high anabolic state.

In other words, it is a state where your body utilizes the energy and time to repair and revive body cells and tissue, specifically your muscles.

When you are lost in your dreams, your body engages in hard-core activities to repair damaged muscle tissue throughout the body. This leads to greater muscle growth and recovery.

Also, the secretion of GH from the pituitary gland is higher. The growth hormone contributes to greater muscle growth and repair.

Inadequate sleep leads to a decline in your growth hormone release. The deficiency can slow down muscle repair, reduce recovery rate while causing weight gain.


Why Is Sleep So Important After Exercise?

Post-workout, your muscles need non-functional hours to recover and transmit the benefits properly. Actually, this helps muscle tissue to grow and repair the damages.

This occurs when you enter into non-REM deep sleep. At this time, your blood pressure drops and your breathing becomes slower and deeper.

In other words, your brain is in rest mode with the least activity. So, the blood supply to your muscle cells elevates providing them surplus nutrients and oxygen. This facilitates greater muscle growth and healing.


Cortisol and Its Important

Cortisol is another vital human hormone. It contributes to muscle tissue breakdown and hinders muscle growth. Inadequate sleep makes your body stressed resulting in higher cortisol level.

The hormone regulates immune response having a catabolic effect on muscle tissue. Also, it also results in decadence in anabolic hormones.

Thus, for an athlete, it becomes crucial to keep his cortisol level at least. This contributes in achieve greater muscle growth with intense training.

Keeping it at a lower level keep its effect of muscle breakdown in regulation, ensuring muscle gains. “Does lack of sleep affect muscle growth?” hope you got your answer.

The whole segment establishes the relation between sleep and muscle growth. You no more need to question—How Does Sleep Affect Muscle Growth?

Indeed, deep sleep and resting hours replenish the nourishment and healing required for proper muscle growth.

Still, can you build muscle on 4 hours of sleep?

The fitness world is divided, when it comes to suggesting the ideal sleep hours for better muscle growth. The one referred in the question is invalid for sure.


How Much Sleep Do Athletes Need? The Ideal Sleep Hours

Bodybuilders and athletes need to sleep for 7 to 9 hours daily for maximum muscle growth. By 7 to 9 hours, we mean continuous night sleep.

Don’t compute it in splits. 2 hours’ afternoon nap and 5 hours night sleep. This won’t work.

Here’s How Does Sleep Affect Muscle Growth and Recovery

Continuous Muscle-Building Hormones Secretion  

When you are asleep, your body generates muscle growth hormones. Your body secretes necessary muscle-building hormones. This occurs when you enter stage 3 of non-REM sleep

Moreover, your muscle relaxes during sleep relieving the strain and pain occurring due to intense training. Without enough sleep, your muscle won’t recovery and resulting in muscle impairment.

Your muscle will become tense leading to muscle soreness. To prevent such situations, you need to sleep for around 7 to 9 hours.


Continuation of Muscle Growth and Repair

After intense training and weight lifting, your muscles have various small tears.

When you sleep for 8 hours continuously, your body has enough time to repair and restore your muscles.

Overall, muscle growth increases, and muscular strength multiply.


Inadequate Sleep Causes Overeating

Insufficient sleep lessens hormone secretion resulting in a sharp rise in appetite-boosting hormone.

This makes you more hungry causing a great increase in your diet. If you don’t pay attention to what you are putting in, your weight can multiply sharply.

Your ultimate bulking goals go to the dustbin. So, understand the importance of sufficient sleep hours.

In short, adequate and continuous sleep hours are crucial to muscle growth. Is 6 hours of sleep enough to build muscle?

Though 6 hours of sleep for muscle growth sounds good, it is insufficient.

The recommended sleep hours range between 7 to 9 hours per night. It has many other surprising perks to deliver.


How Does Sleep Affect Muscle Growth? Benefits

Sleep benefits your consolidate-memory. So, it becomes essential for remembering a choreography, acting, or lyrics.

Besides, sleep and muscle recovery study show other benefits.

Amplified Accuracy

In a review of university tennis players, they slept for at least 9 hours a day. This augmented their serves unbelievably from 35.7% accuracy to 41.8% accuracy.

Quicker Reaction Times and Speeds

Female and male university swimmers who slept for more than 10 hours every night experienced promising benefits.

Their turn times became better. They dived off the block quicker. Also, their 15-meter swim times had drastic benefits.

Improved Overall Performance

University male basketball player who slept for 10 hours a night during a tournament encountered major benefits. Their full-court and half-court sprints were quicker.

Moreover, their free throw percentages elevated by around 9%. Also, they experienced a sharp decline in sleepiness and exhaustion. Their mental and physical wellness improved gradually.

Prevents Illness

Human body generates cytokines, molecules helping the immune system fight infections.

Inadequate sleep promotes the production of pro-inflammatory cytokines. Not only inadequate sleep puts your health at risk but deteriorates your muscle gains.

When it comes to fitness, sleep has undeniable importance. It isn’t just about muscle growth and recovery, but different aspects of your overall health. This includes the basic requirement for a functional fitness routine.

Certainly, enough sleep improves your ability to perform workouts effectively.

This increases your reps, sets, and approach to your training sessions. The time at the gym becomes far more productive.

Now, you must have understood how important is sleep in muscle recovery. Let’s get into details of how it magnifies your athletic performance.


How Does Sleep Benefit Your Athletic Performance?

For the best session, you require greater attention and quick reaction time.

Insufficient sleep can hinder both. Also, long-term sleep deprivation can trigger a cognitive decline in bodybuilders and athletes.

Several pieces of research have emancipated the effect of inadequate sleep in athletes.

Runners and volleyball players showed an elevation in exhaustion without sufficient sleep.

The accuracy of tennis serves dropped after a night’s sleep of only 5 hours. After Post night of no sleep, there was a sharp decrease in sprint times of runners.

Besides, inadequate sleep can impact your overall health as well. People without enough sleep have a higher risk of developing cardiac ailment, renal disease, stroke, and obesity.

Furthermore, sleep deprivation results in mental health issues, irritability, depression, and even anxiety.

Your body is your greatest asset. Nurture it with the right diet, workout, rest, and sleep. This ensures overall health and productive workouts.



Muscle gains depend on diet and training. To a certain extent, your sleep had a direct role in emancipating your muscle growth.

Here, we’ve taken some questions to explore the dimension.


Q1: Why is sleep so important for muscle recovery?

When you enter the deeper stages of your sleep, the muscle undergoes an elevated blood flow. Thus, the supply of nutrients and oxygen multiplies.

This results in mega boosts in muscle repair and regeneration. Your hormone plays a key role in defining your muscle growth.


Q2: Is sleep good for muscle recovery?

Sleep is mandatory for greater muscle recovery. When you are asleep your body secretes more muscle-building hormones.

On the contrary, insufficient sleep hours spikes the muscle-harming hormone cortisol. For maximum muscle growth sufficient sleep hours are crucial.


Q3: Do muscles grow on rest days?

Yes, your muscle growth on the rest days between sessions.

During this interval, your body has maximum time to act on your damaged muscle. Henceforth, it heals the muscle tear leading to greater muscle mass.


Q4: Do you sleep more when injured?

Yes. The injury requires additional attention to quick healing.

When you sleep, your body enters pro-healing mode by supplying necessary nutrients in abundance. The benefits emancipate when you enter the deep sleep stage of your sleep cycle.


Q5: Do muscles really need to rest?


Your muscles need time to habituate the muscle growth effects the training has put forth.

In short, during rest time, your body focuses on healing the microscopic tears in your muscle tissue caused by intense training.

The fibroblasts repair results in greater muscle growth and stronger muscles.


Q5: Does sleeping on your arm affect muscle growth?

Not at all. Your muscle growth isn’t affected by your sleep position. There is nothing like the best sleeping position for bodybuilders.

Still, sleeping on your arms may cause muscle soreness in the same arm. Besides, you don’t need a guide on how to sleep as a bodybuilder.


Q6: What is the best time to sleep for muscle growth?

You should sleep at night to experience intense muscle growth. The sleeping hours should vary between 7 to 9 hours. It is best if you reach the higher threshold of your sleep hours. It ensures maximum benefits.

The blog clearly explains How Does Sleep Affect Muscle Growth and Recovery. Now, it’s time to have an overview.



Though underestimated, your sleeping hours play a crucial role in your muscle growth and recovery. When you are asleep your body focuses on repair and healing.

Thus, the muscle tears caused during workouts are repairs at a rapid pace. Meanwhile, the fatigue and exhaustion decimate.

If you have been undermining the importance of sleep, it’s time to change your outlook. Begin sleeping for 7 to 9 hours every night.

Start with the lower end and gradually increase it to the higher ends.

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By Allen Hicks

I believe that the integration of our biological body & natural supplements represents the next level of thinking for fitness and good health. I write about fitness hacks, nutrients balance & supplements alternatives.

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