Working Out on an Empty Stomach

Workout on an empty stomach! It works!

Have you also heard about this new fitness trend?

If you are skeptical about its capabilities Does working out on an empty stomach burn more fat or not, read this blog to find out…

The hot topic has brought huge attention from the scientific world. Different studies and surveys have been conducted to conclude the answer.

Experts have varying opinions on the new fitness trends.

In contrast, fitness freaks are looking at it with hopeful eyes. Another way to lose fat quickly!

We don’t want to water your expectation and hope. However, don’t misunderstand fasted cardio to intermittent diet. It is exactly different things.

It is cardio exercises like walking, running, cycling, or swimming performed in the morning when you aren’t fuelled.

Again, we are back from where we started— Does working out on an empty stomach burn more fat?

Let’s begin our investigation to distinguish “working out on empty stomach pros and cons”


Does Working Out On An Empty Stomach Burn More Fat?

Performing cardio workouts in a hungry mode has been a popular norm.

More and more people are involving it in their workout routine, without questioning—is working out on an empty stomach good for weight loss?

First, you need to understand how does working out an empty stomach work?

When you perform exercises while fasting, your body doesn’t have a direct source of fuel. Thus, it searches for alternatives and begins burning stored fat and carbs in your body.

Not only this ensures a kickass workout routine but helps you burn more fat.

While there are insufficient studies to back up the weight loss benefits of working out on an empty stomach, we can’t completely decline it.

Various people have benefited from the whole new fitness regime.

In fact, some studies are completely in support of the trend…

A study from 2016 has demonstrated how working out on an empty stomach benefits weight loss.

The research involved 12 subjects who performed fasted workouts.

At last, the researchers observed a reduction in their calorie consumption in the next 24 hours. On the contrary, they have burned more fat than normal

Thus, we can say it works even after having mixed opinions on the fitness trends.

Still, we look forward to comprehensive studies exploring the benefits of the new workout mode.

Meanwhile, let’s check out 5 facts that explore more on Does working out on an empty stomach burn more fat.


5 Facts about Working Out On An Empty Stomach

There is no doubt, people want to try out the new fitness trend the time they hear.

It is their greed of taking their fitness level to a newer height. Certainly, this is applicable in terms of fasted cardio.

Let’s have a look at five startling facts about working out on empty stomach.

#1: Yes, fasted cardio helps burn more fat

Walking, running, or cycling without fueling in the morning isn’t a new thing.

However, the benefits of working out on an empty stomach have well known. Recently, it has taken a form of a new fitness trend. Surprisingly, it works because of simple science.

In absence of fuel, you trick your body to rely on other energy sources. Thus, when you are working out, your body burns fat storage. Eventually, you end up losing more fat than general.

So, working out in the morning, in the first place, will get you the best results.


#2: Fasted Cardio won’t work for Muscle Building

Losing weight and muscle building are completely two different things.

When you lose weight, you lose both fat and muscle. However, muscle building is more about trimming off flabs while preserving lean muscles.

Having a pre-workout snack fuel you with protein. This preserves your lean muscle while you exercise.

However, when you work out empty stomach, your body relies on carb and fat for fuel naturally. It doesn’t go for protein for energy requirements.

In the long run, it hinders your muscle mass and slows down the muscle repair and regeneration process. Weight training for bodybuilding is best. However, weight training on an empty stomach isn’t.

In short, you need a sufficient fueling pre-workout for real bulking. Working out on empty stomach to build muscle just doesn’t work.


#3: Fasted Cardio is about your preferences

The top fitness blogs and YouTube channels may have made fasted cardio the next big thing. However, it doesn’t make a difference.

 Remember, not everyone can walk 4 km empty stomach or cycle the mountains. Everyone has different physiology and mindset. 

In other words, if you can’t work out while fasting, don’t stress your body. Just because everyone is doing, doesn’t mean you have to also. Don’t follow blindly. Listen to your body.

Obviously, having a banana before hitting the road won’t and enough calories but advance your cardio session.


#4: Powerful workouts requires fuel

Some exercise provides extreme results. Certainly, this is why they are highly popular.

However, don’t estimate the fact such workouts demand maximum energy, power, and speed. Of course, performing such a workout in fasting mode won’t go well.

Not only it depletes your performance, but energy deprivation leads to continuing exhaustion and fatigue.

Fasted cardio makes your body switch to fat and carbs store for energy, which slows you down.

Ultimately, you won’t only hider the quality of the workout, but get no results.

Thus, depending on your workout you need to change your plan. For powerful workouts, rely on pre-workout drinks or foods.


#5: Fasted Cardio sweats away stress

Workouts on an empty stomach unleash your cognitive function.

Regular fasted cardio ends up making you active, energetic, and focused. Studies favor its ability to lessen the stress level. So, if working out on an empty stomach burn more fat and also relieves stress.

These five factors on fasted cardio expand our knowledge on the new fitness trend.

Undoubtedly, it is great for weight loss. In contrast, it isn’t favorable for muscle building, bodybuilding, and demanding workout sessions.

The benefits of cardio are striking. Still, we need to have an idea of the dangers it involves.


Is It Safe to Work Out on an Empty Stomach?

You need no more to confuse about does working out on an empty stomach burn muscle. Indeed, safety is a matter demanding enough attention.

Fasted cardio is the no. 1 fitness trend across the world. More and more people are revolving the new way of workout regime.

However, we can’t decline the possibility of the dangers of working out on an empty stomach.

Fasted cardio leads to greater fat burning. Henceforth, you end up losing more fat. In contrast, fueling yourself with pre-workouts offers an explosive session with powered energy and performance.

Thus, the dangers depend on what kind of workout you perform.

Some studies favor fasted cardio. Obviously, most go for a run in the morning empty stomach. Still, it doesn’t mean it is applicable to everyone.

Fasted running uses energy and decimates your stamina. Moreover, it increases problems like low blood sugar levels.

This may cause you dizziness, nausea, and even persistent weakness.

While fasted cardio is cool, it may not be cool for you. Working out on an empty stomach is considered a good weight loss activity. However, it may not work for you.

Thus, it important to observe how you feel, if it doesn’t work for you. Skip. Involve a pre-workout drink of food before beginning your workouts.


Pre Workouts or Post Workout Drinks — What’s Best?

With fasted cardio around the corner, people don’t give prime attention to pre-workouts. Instead, they fuel themselves with the new-age post-workout drinks.

Still, is working out on an empty stomach fact or myth, is debatable.

First, let’s talk about fasted cardio. It is good for burning fat and weight management. Also, it keeps you active and fresh the whole day. However, working out on an empty stomach burn more fat, but it is good for low energy demanding workout.

Obviously, weight training on an empty stomach won’t be favorable. Thus, you require fueling before you hit the gym.

Obviously, your workout determines whether you should take Pre Workouts or Post Workout Drinks.

For low-intensity workouts, golfing, cycling, swimming, walking, or gentle yoga, you don’t require fueling. Instead, you can replenish your energy stores by having post-workout drinks.

In contrast, certain workout demands substantial energy for explosive session. Of course, weight lifting, HIIT, tennis, and other intense workout are impossible to perform without fuel.

Here, we have the prime role of pre-workouts. You can either rely on a pre-workout drink or have a pre-workout foods of your choice. Also, you can prepare a pre-workout smoothie to get most of your workouts.

In case, your goal is to bulk and go bigger, you can’t underestimate the energy fueling beforehand.

Experts and fitness trainers recommend pre-workouts supplements in such cases.

Our investigation on “Does working out on an empty stomach burn more fat” ends here. Undoubtedly, it gives you favorable weight loss results.

Still, following such a workout routine is an individual preference, it isn’t a universal choice.

There are a few questions regarding trends, which we’ve answered in the following section.


Working Out on an Empty Stomach – FAQ’s

In this segment, we’ve dealt with a few questions related to the top fitness trend.

Hope it clear your further doubts…

Q1: Is it OK to workout on an empty stomach?

Yes, it is okay.

Working out on an empty stomach doesn’t have a direct energy supply. Thus, your body switches to other energy sources like fat and carbs stores.

Hence, you end up losing weight quicker than usual However, it comes with a drawback, because of the alternative energy source, your stamina reduces.

It leads to low blood sugar levels causing lightheadedness, nauseous, or weakness. So, make sure you are comfortable with the new workout routine, if don’t put yourself the trouble.


Q2: Do fasted workouts burn more fat?

Comparatively, fasted cardio does burn more fat than other fuelled workout programs over the 24-hour period. Moreover, it also lessens your calorie intake until the next day after working out an empty stomach.

Overall, you have a faster fat-burning rate than normal. If you want to receive quicker weight loss results, it may work for you.


Q3: What is the best time to workout?

Usually, you should work out Between 2 p.m. and 6 p.m. During this period, your body temperature is highest.

In other words, working out during this window of time, your body has maximum potential.

Henceforth, you would end up burning more fat in a single session. Or, if you’re lifting weight, you will end up gaining more muscle than normal.

This doesn’t mean working out in other windows of time doesn’t get you results. You will still receive a significant difference but slightly less compared to the long-term workout performed in the specific period.


Q4: Do morning workouts burn more fat?

First, understand what happens if you exercise without eating enough…

When you have breakfast your body already has a direct source of energy. Thus, it supplies the energy required during a workout.

However, a fasted cardio doesn’t have such a preference. In that state, your body switches to other available energy sources like fat and carb reserves.

Not only do you burn these fat storages to supply energy, but even the workout is burning the fat.

Ultimately, you end up burning more fat than normal. Studies have shown how morning workout in fasted mode gets the best weight loss results.


Q5: Does fasting burn body fat?

Fasting helps burn more fat. Whether you perform fasted cardio or go for an intermittent diet, it will surely deliver results.

Where fasted cardio directly acts on your fat reserves, the intermittent diet has its own working mechanism.

Fasting for 16 hours a day and having 8 hours eating window, quickens your metabolism and reduces calorie intake. Thus, at the end of the day, fasting helps you burn more fat than usual.

This doesn’t mean you should involve in an unhealthy way of fasting that makes you starve for days.

It may slim you at first, but end up increasing your calorie intake at last. Eventually, returning you from the place you started.


Q6: Why fasted cardio is bad?

It depends!

Fasted cardio isn’t necessarily bad unless you overdo it.

Working on an empty stomach switch your body to rely on fat stores for energy requirement in absence of direct energy supply.

Undoubtedly, overdoing switches to low blood sugar levels. This results in a feeling of lightheadedness, weakness, lethargy, and nausea.

If you are building muscle, it may hinder your gains.

In short, it may not be good in specific cases, especially if you are building muscle or lifting weight. Contrarily, people with weight loss goals will be benefited from the weight loss program.

We have discussed everything about fasted cardio. You no more need to ask, does working out on an empty stomach burn more fat or not.

You can simply get started. Still, before you begin with the hot fitness trend, read our experts’ analysis.


The Bottom Line

Working out on empty stomach opens the window for your fat and carbs reserves.

The direct impact on the stubborn stores ends up melting them at a quicker rate than other workouts. Thus, fasted cardio is favorable for different weight loss programs.

It may have now become a hot topic in the fitness world, but it doesn’t mean it is a new discovery.

Obviously, walking, running, or cycling in the morning is the first thing to do for many.

The scientific pieces of evidence have strengthened the phenomenon. It is making people talk about fasted cardio and how fasted cardio works.

Various studies have explored the consequence of workouts on an empty stomach. Does fasted cardio burn more fat?

Only more fat burning isn’t the benefit. Research has shown how it increases the net fat burning in a day compared to other workouts, but it reduces the calorie intake for the next 24 hours.

In short, it is an overall win-win.

It may have evolved as a fitness trend. Still, it doesn’t mean you should trust it blindly.

  • First, it is for low-intensity workouts.
  • Second, it isn’t for people with medication conditions specifically with blood sugar levels.

Before changing your workout routine, consult with your fitness trainer.

What he says would get you a clearer overview. Keep the information to get maximum results.

For more on health, wellness, and weight loss, visit our website.

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By Allen Hicks

I believe that the integration of our biological body & natural supplements represents the next level of thinking for fitness and good health. I write about fitness hacks, nutrients balance & supplements alternatives.

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