foods that reduce stress hormones

In our busy lifestyle, we often ignore our diet and consume on the go unhealthy meals.

However, the right food provides appropriate nutrition which can keep half of the health problems away. This includes stress as well.

Excessive stress spikes cortisol levels, which triggers appetite. This results in overeating, cravings for sugary and fatty foods, and other health problems.

However, you can reverse the problem just by opting for the right food.

Some foods tend to reduce stress hormones. Switching to them can gradually lessen your cortisol levels.

This blog deals with every possible dietary medication which can help in the situation. But, first, understand the implication of excessive stress on the body and mind.


Why High-Stress Hormone is Bad?

A high cortisol level is a natural response of the body to alert against possible danger.

However, the self-limiting process reduces hormones once the threat passes away. Eventually, the cortisol and adrenaline level drops along with the heart rate and blood pressure level.

However, in cases, when stressors are always there, this leads to a constant spike in cortisol levels. Your body perceives it as a continuity of dangers.

In the long run, the constant activity of the stress response system leads to excess cortisol in the body.

It can disturb almost every body function resulting in different health risks.

Here’s what high cortisol levels can lead to.


#1. Increased Blood Sugar Levels

Insulin is responsible for converting glucose to energy. However, high-stress hormone levels make the pancreas struggles to supply sufficient insulin.

Thus, the blood glucose level heightens while cells suffer to perform basic functions.


#2. Weight Gain

High cortisol level deprives cells of energy. Eventually, the body signals to the brain that you are hungry.

Eventually, it begins to secret the craving-inducing hormone. This leads to overconsumption of food.

The surplus calories get stored as body fat resulting in excessive weight gain.


#3. Low Immune System

Excessive stress levels for long hours can be fatal.

In small quantity, cortisol level resolves inflammation, but higher stress level hinders immune function.

Instead, one becomes prone to infection, seasonal flu, and contagious diseases. Also, the risk of developing cancer and food allergies heightens.


#4. Digestive Problems

When your body perceives threats, the natural stress response of the body pauses other less essential body processes like digestion.

In the case of consistent stressful situations, the digestive tract doesn’t digest or absorb the food properly. Thus, high cortisol levels can often result in problems like IBS, colitis, and so on.


#5. Heart Disease

Excessive cortisol levels can restrict arteries and cause high blood pressure.

Furthermore, these problems can damage blood values while building up plaque in arteries. Particularly, prolonged stress works as an invitation for the onset of stroke or heart attack.

Apart from these, high cortisol levels can contribute to anxiety, depression, sleep-related problem, low concentration level, and poor memory.

Certainly, health problems are highly concerning. So, it becomes important to know the right ways to manage stress.

To drop stress hormones, first know what the standard stress hormone level is. And at what level of cortisol is a sign of concern?


What is a Normal Stress Hormone Level?

The cortisol level can vary with time and the current health status.

In general, the normal cortisol level is around 5 to 25 mcg/dL or 140 to 690 nmol/L, when a blood sample is taken at 8 in the morning.

Well, the normal value of cortisol level can vary among labs. Moreover, slight variation in the stress level is acceptable, but excessive decline or surge in cortisol level is concerning.

Usually, a high level of stress hormone is a huge problem, but the inadequacy of cortisol is equally problematic. Proceed further to know about it in detail.


Is Low-Stress Hormone Problematic?

Low cortisol level leads to multiple health problems. Particularly, it causes a condition called Addison’s disease.

On top of that, you can get multiple symptoms. This includes

  • Weakness and fatigue,
  • Diarrhea, nausea, and vomiting
  • Gradual Weight loss
  • Appetite loss
  • Low blood pressure
  • Darkening of scars

Going for a cortisol level test becomes important. If your stress hormone level is less than mentioned above, go for treatment prescribed by doctors.

The excessive stress hormone is a major problem nowadays. However, a slight spike in cortisol level isn’t that big problem, but in certain conditions it is alarming.


When Does Stress Hormone Become Concerning?

Cortisol levels can fluctuate throughout the day, but it is the sudden excessive spike that becomes disturbing.

Also, higher stress hormone for a prolonged duration is another alarming situation.

Some symptoms of high cortisol levels are:

  • Abrupt weight gain located in the chest, face, and abdomen
  • High blood pressure
  • Muscle weakness
  • Irritability, depression, and anxiety
  • Excessive thirst
  • Frequent urination

Apart from that, Cushing’s syndrome can also cause high cortisol levels.

 If you notice the symptoms, consulting with your medical supervisor becomes crucial. Of course, going for treatment is more than necessary. 

However, even some dietary medication can help. Adding Foods that Reduce Stress Hormones to your diet provides a difference naturally.


Top Foods That Reduce Stress Hormone

Some foods contain vital nutrients with brain-boosting effects to reduce stress and anxiety.

Adding them to your diet leads to great stress relief in the long run. Here’s a list of food with stress-reducing effects.


#1: Salmon and Tuna


Fatty fish encompasses a high amount of omega-3 fatty acids.

The nutrient effectively relieves stress and depression making the food best for this purpose. It drops the cortisol level while managing the adrenaline level.

On top of that, Omega-3 fatty acids fight off cardiac ailment, stroke, and even less blood pressure.

Try salmon, tuna, or fish oil for a mess-free intake of omega-3 fatty acids.

Suggestion: Vegans and Vegetarians can go for omega-3 fatty acids sources like walnuts, flaxseeds, and spinach.


A 3-week study of fish oil supplementation investigated the effect of adrenal activation by mental stress. Researchers measured various facets affected by high-stress levels in participants.

After 3-week supplementation of fish oil, the stress-induced cortisol level blunted. It even stopped adrenal activation triggered by stress.


#2: Oatmeal

Oatmeal is a complex carb helpful in maintaining a standard blood sugar level.

On top of that, it lessens cortisol levels in the brain. Oatmeal excites the secretion of serotonin to elevate calmness and relaxation to relieve stress.

When you’re dealing with anxiety or stress issues, your diet can actually make a big difference. Go for overnight oats that can help you start your day on the right foot. This ready-made breakfast for busy mornings contains anti-anxiety and mood-boosting ingredients.

Suggestion: Don’t use refined sugar. Instead, use honey or berries for natural sweetening.


#3: Berries


Berries are the finest secret foods for instant stress relief. In general, a high amount of antioxidants and fibers are present in them.

Moreover, blackberries, blueberries, raspberries, and Strawberries also contain a fair quantity of Vitamin C. This makes it even better stress-relieving food.

Actually, Vitamin C tends to lower blood pressure levels and restore normal cortisol levels.

Suggestion: Add berries to smoothies, milkshakes, oatmeal, or any meal of your choice for stress relief.


#4: Asparagus

The veggie is effective in lessening stress because of its impressive nutritional profile.

It contains a high quantity of iron, folate, and vitamin B. Indeed, it regulates your mood while lessening anxiety and depression.

Suggestion: Have the veggies raw, steamed, broiled, or sautéed with olive oil.


#5: Dark Chocolate


Dark chocolate can lessen cortisol levels for quick stress relief.

Obtained from the cacao plant, it encompasses multiple antioxidants capable of lessening cardiac problems. Indeed, its nutritional profile is the reason behind its stress-relieving effects.

Suggestion: Go for dark chocolate with 70% of higher cocoa content. Also, ensure it comprises less added sugar and always eat it in moderation.


A human trial studied the effects of dark chocolate in highly stressed individuals. 30 participants had low and high anxiety traits, which led to different metabolic profiles.

Dark chocolate supplementation lessened urinary excretion of stress hormones.


#6: Chia seeds

Belonging to the mint family these edible seeds have huge health benefits. Regular consumption of chia seeds helps in controlling stress levels by regulating symptoms of anxiety.

Chia seeds are rich in antioxidants, protein, and fibre that regulate the release of happy hormones. Further, they contain ALA an omega-3 fatty acid that provides anti-inflammatory benefits to the brain. Its magnesium content further helps in mitigating stress and anxiety.

A 2020 review on people with regular consumption of high-fiber food lowered the risk of stress and depression. Thus, Chia puddings or smoothies are a great option to boost your taste buds and prevent stress.


#7: Oysters


Oysters are good aphrodisiacs as well as one of the best foods that reduce stress hormones. It provides B vitamins and magnesium in good quality.

B vitamins improve food and fight off stress, anxiety, and depression. On the other hand, magnesium lessens stress levels and fights off high blood pressure.

Suggestion: If you are allergic to seafood, avoid having oysters.


Top 4 Best Drinks to Relieve Stress

Like healthy foods with cortisol-lessening effects, some beverage help reduces stress. They have certain nutrients with brain-boosting effects. Eventually, this works as a quick stress buster.

Here’s what to drink when you are stressed!


#1: Herbal Tea

Herbal beverages including chamomile and green tea are effective in relieving stress.  Chamomile tea provides relief from migraine-type headaches as well as it relaxes stomach distress.

On top of that, the sedative and muscle-relaxing effects of the soothing tea lessen stress levels drastically. Green tea comprises L-theanine which has a calming effect on the brain.

 Pro Tip: Have a cup of chamomile tea after a stressful day. It even tends to improve your sleep quality while making you fall asleep faster. 


#2: Water

Most of the human body is water. Moreover, it is necessary for almost everybody’s function.

Water consumption impacts the secretion of endorphins, which regulates your mental space. In contrast, dehydration can cause various symptoms of stress.

 Pro Tip: Aim at drinking at least 8 glasses of water daily. 


#3: Fruit and Veggie Juice

Fruits and veggies are packed with lots of nutrients like antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals. Certainly, fruit and veggie juice provide an unprocessed form of nutrients.

Particularly, orange juice or carrot juice works well for folks under pressure. In contrast, citrus food like avocados, bananas, etc., have high vitamin B which works great against stress.

 Pro Tip: Try to have a glass of homemade fruit or veggie juice every day. Don’t go for packed juices. 


#4: Oat Straw Drink

Oat straw is different than oats. It comes from the leave and stems of the plant harvested while it is green.

It comprises a good quantity of iron, magnesium, phosphorus, and calcium.

Oat straw drink provides a quickly brain-boosting effect. It improves blood circulation, elevates calmness, and even increases cognitive function. Indeed, oat straw drink works great for stress relief and exhaustion.

 Pro Tip: Prepare an oat straw drink by yourself or buy it online if it is tough to prepare at home. 


In a randomized double-blind trial, 132 healthy males and females were given green oat extract for 29 days.

The results showed a positive response toward better multitasking and memory power. And after 4 weeks it also showed psychological improvements while reacting to stressors.

Switching to beverages can provide quick stress relief. The drinks for stress relief are better than alcohol in the long run.

Alcohol may appear working instantly, but it isn’t resolving the cortisol spike.

Instead, incorporate dietary changes by knowing foods that reduce stress hormones to relieve stress effectively. Apart from them, some lifestyle measures can also help manage stress.


Other Ways to Lessen Stress Hormone

It is tough to avoid stressful events in life, but managing stress is possible. Some lifestyle changes can work great for regulating stress and cortisol level.

Some of the best stress management strategies are:

  • Have a healthy balanced diet, stay active, and sleep for adequate hours.
  • Practice relaxation physical activity such as yoga, massage, meditation, or deep breathing.
  • Write the thought and process them.
  • Spend time on favorite hobbies like painting, reading books, sketching, dancing, listening to favorite music, watching movies, etc.
  • Reduce consumption of caffeinated drinks. Instead, what the best drink for stress is and switch to time. For instance, chamomile tea is great.
  • Seek professional help to deal with specific stressful situations.
  • Don’t seek easy ways to manage stress like drugs, alcohol, tobacco, and overeating.

Learning to manage stress naturally drops your cortisol levels.

Apart from the internal body function, managing stress provides peace of mind, lessens anxiety and stress, improves the quality of life, sharpens focus, and elevates self-control.

All of these benefits lead to a longer and healthier life.


Medical Treatments for High Cortisol Level

Cushing’s syndrome leads to extremely high cortisol levels. In such a case, doctors can go for surgery to remove tumors from adrenal glands.

Or, they may even recommend radiation therapy to get rid of pituitary tumors triggering high cortisol.

On top of that, they can prescribe medicines like mitotane (Lysodren), metyrapone (Metopirone), or ketoconazole for managing cortisol levels.

Apart from Foods that Reduce Stress Hormones in other situations, some supplements are more effective in lowering stress hormones.

The best supplements to lessen stress levels are:


Cordyceps Sinensis

Obtain from the Chinese herb Cordyceps, it boosts longevity and stamina. On top of that, it seems to lessen cortisol levels drastically. Nonetheless, it even elevates epinephrine and norepinephrine, which are stress hormones. So, use it with extra care.



The fatty compound protects the brain and nervous systems. It drops cortisol levels, lessens stress, improves cognitive function, and elevates mental and physical performance. In short, its cortisol-reducing supplement can provide quick relief.



The amino acid is present in some dark chocolate, green tea, and black tea. Studies indicate its impressive calming effect which lessens cortisol levels and shuts off cortisol responses.

So, adding an L-Theanine supplement can effectively manage stress.

In a double-blind study, 30 individuals with no psychiatric issues were given L-Theanine tablets for 4 weeks. On analysis, it was found that it leads to a decreased PQSI rate for sleep disturbance as well as boosted cognitive impairments.

Before taking any form of supplement for stress to relieve, always consult with the medical health provider.

So far, we have dealt with every possible way to lessen stress hormones. At last, a complete overview of the subject can work.



Stress is something we have to deal with in day-to-day life. It can directly trigger cortisol levels which have physical as well as mental implications.

So, the smart move would be to learn to manage it instead of ignoring it.

Adding foods that reduce stress hormones to your diet can lead to significant improvement. Instead, planning your diet around such food options would be far better.

Don’t go overboard at once. Modify your dietary choice gradually.

It would be best to involve foods that reduce stress hormones, drinks, and supplements in your routine. Talk to a nutritionist or your medical health provider for supervision.

For more help, ask our experts in the comment section. We would love to help you!

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By Allen Hicks

I believe that the integration of our biological body & natural supplements represents the next level of thinking for fitness and good health. I write about fitness hacks, nutrients balance & supplements alternatives.

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